Английский язык. Ч. 1. Гималетдинова Г.К - 23 стр.


saw last week. 14) Can I have … apple? 15) … shirts on … washing line should be dry
now. 16) … people don’t like him because he is selfish. 17) I bought my sister … book
and … bottle of … perfume for her birthday but I don’t think she liked … perfume.
18) My younger sister still goes to … nursery school. 19) I broke my leg and was taken
to … hospital. 20) I went to … hospital to visit my aunt.
Упражнение 14*.
А. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, объясняя наличие того или
иного артикля (в том числе нулевого).
1. The vase is on the shelf.
2. There is a vase on the shelf.
3. The vase is empty.
4. There are flowers in the vase.
Б. Задайте общий вопрос к каждому из предложений.
В. Работа в парах. Придумайте свои предложения по аналогии, задавая
общие вопросы и объясняя употребление артиклей.
Struggling for Better Writing
Here it all was – the work of a struggling writer as every writer must always
struggle. Ruthless cutting and changing; the agony of seeking always the shortest
possible word, the one right word. The yellow pages filled with thin, firm, writing in pen-
cil, sloping right. No abbreviations. Many pages cut and stuck with tape to other pages.
Above all, the obsession with detail, which marks the master. He had written: “I
took a shirt, a tie, and a suit and laid them out on the bed…” He had crossed out “out”.
Does it matter? Of course it matters. To the true writer every word, every
comma matters. He must give his best, to the smallest detail. This is the differ-
ence between good and bad writing.
In this story two policemen call on Alice to say her husband has been killed.
Now Dahl has to make the reader feel the shock she feels. First, he makes her
say: “I wanted to kill myself.” He crossed this out and wrote instead: “The two un-
fortunate policemen had their hands full trying to comfort and control me until the
doctor arrived and injected something…”
You do not need to be a writer to see the difference. “I wanted to kill myself”
means nothing. We all want to kill ourselves every Monday morning. But how
many of us ever have two policemen trying to control us? Note the brilliance of
that word “control.” And “unfortunate policemen” – that’s clever too. That alone
tells us almost all we need to know about the state Alice was in.
struggling writerборющийся писатель
to struggleбороться
cuttingвырезание, сокращение
to cut (cut)резать, сокращать
agony of seekingмуки поиска
the one right wordединственно верное,
подходящее слово
to be filled withбыть заполненным
writing in pencilзаписи, сделанные ка-
sloping rightс наклоном вправо
to stick (stuck)приклеивать
pages stuck with the tapeстраницы,
склеенные клейкой лентой
obsession with detailодержимость дета-
to mark the masterбыть присущим, свой-
ственным мастеру, специалисту

saw last week. 14) Can I have … apple? 15) … shirts on … washing line should be dry
now. 16) … people don’t like him because he is selfish. 17) I bought my sister … book
and … bottle of … perfume for her birthday but I don’t think she liked … perfume.
18) My younger sister still goes to … nursery school. 19) I broke my leg and was taken
to … hospital. 20) I went to … hospital to visit my aunt.
     Упражнение 14*.
     А. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, объясняя наличие того или
иного артикля (в том числе нулевого).
     1. The vase is on the shelf.
     2. There is a vase on the shelf.
     3. The vase is empty.
     4. There are flowers in the vase.
     Б. Задайте общий вопрос к каждому из предложений.
     В. Работа в парах. Придумайте свои предложения по аналогии, задавая
общие вопросы и объясняя употребление артиклей.

                                     ТЕКСТ Б
                            Struggling for Better Writing
       Here it all was – the work of a struggling writer as every writer must always
struggle. Ruthless cutting and changing; the agony of seeking always the shortest
possible word, the one right word. The yellow pages filled with thin, firm, writing in pen-
cil, sloping right. No abbreviations. Many pages cut and stuck with tape to other pages.
       Above all, the obsession with detail, which marks the master. He had written: “I
took a shirt, a tie, and a suit and laid them out on the bed…” He had crossed out “out”.
       Does it matter? Of course it matters. To the true writer every word, every
comma matters. He must give his best, to the smallest detail. This is the differ-
ence between good and bad writing.
       In this story two policemen call on Alice to say her husband has been killed.
Now Dahl has to make the reader feel the shock she feels. First, he makes her
say: “I wanted to kill myself.” He crossed this out and wrote instead: “The two un-
fortunate policemen had their hands full trying to comfort and control me until the
doctor arrived and injected something…”
       You do not need to be a writer to see the difference. “I wanted to kill myself”
means nothing. We all want to kill ourselves every Monday morning. But how
many of us ever have two policemen trying to control us? Note the brilliance of
that word “control.” And “unfortunate policemen” – that’s clever too. That alone
tells us almost all we need to know about the state Alice was in.
struggling writer – борющийся писатель              рандашом
to struggle – бороться                           sloping right – с наклоном вправо
ruthless – безжалостный                          abbreviation – сокращение
cutting – вырезание, сокращение                  to stick (stuck) – приклеивать
to cut (cut) – резать, сокращать                 pages stuck with the tape – страницы,
agony of seeking – муки поиска                      склеенные клейкой лентой
the one right word – единственно верное,         obsession with detail – одержимость дета-
   подходящее слово                                 лизированием
to be filled with – быть заполненным             to mark the master – быть присущим, свой-
writing in pencil – записи, сделанные ка-           ственным мастеру, специалисту