Учитель XXI века: ноопсихологический подход к анализу профессионально-личностной готовности к педагогической деятельности. Иванова С.П. - 304 стр.



Group 2:
1) Were there many ships?
2) Were all the sailors glad to travel for so
many days, weeks?
Discuss them and give an answer, exchange
the opinions with another group.
Group 1 tells some new facts about
Columbus to group 2 and vice versa.
A task for all of you:
What kind of flag did he bring?
A new task.
Listen to the joke, you are to give an end. So
many ends!
"Among the passengers of the ship there was
a very talkative lady who asked the captain
lots of questions.
She asked: "Captain, what will happen if our
ship meets an iceberg in the ocean? "The
captain answered: ...
So you are given 2 minutes to discuss the
possible ending.
"eye to eye, knee to knee".
After pronouncing all the possible endings,
only one was chosen as the best.
"Nothing special, madam. The iceberg will go
on as if nothing had happened".
The teacher could ask anybody he wanted
from the group to be sure that all the
students knew the answer.
Find the matching ending, strain every nerve
to hear your friends opinion.
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                         Group 2:
                         1) Were there many ships?
                         2) Were all the sailors glad to travel for so
                         many days, weeks?
                         Discuss them and give an answer, exchange
                         the opinions with another group.
                         Group 1 tells some new facts about
                         Columbus to group 2 and vice versa.
                         A task for all of you:
                         What kind of flag did he bring?
                           A new task.
                         Listen to the joke, you are to give an end. So
                         many ends!

                         "Among the passengers of the ship there was
                         a very talkative lady who asked the captain
                         lots of questions.
                         She asked: "Captain, what will happen if our
                         ship meets an iceberg in the ocean? "The
                         captain answered: ...
                         So you are given 2 minutes to discuss the
                         possible ending.
                         "eye to eye, knee to knee".
                         After pronouncing all the possible endings,
                         only one was chosen as the best.
                         "Nothing special, madam. The iceberg will go
                         on as if nothing had happened".

                         The teacher could ask anybody he wanted
                         from the group to be sure that all the
                         students knew the answer.

                         Find the matching ending, strain every nerve
                         to hear your friend’s opinion.

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