Учитель XXI века: ноопсихологический подход к анализу профессионально-личностной готовности к педагогической деятельности. Иванова С.П. - 306 стр.



3 minutes
Everyone of the group realizes the moral.
Theres a list of words before you and some
synonyms are written on the board.
I am naming a synonym, your group tells me
a word from the list that corresponds to the
To look for something - to seek
to be sure - to be certain
to have something - to possess
to be alike - to have smth. in common
usual - common
a pity - mercy
to wreck - to ruin
to win - to conquer
a winner - a conqueror
Now the task is on the contrary - naming the
necessary antonym:
to build - to ruin
not to know / to doubt - to be certain
to find smth. - to seek
unusual - common
to lose - to possess
force, violence - mercy
to give up - to conquer
to lose the war - to win
Уметь оперировать, знать лексику по
теме "Завоевание"; быть уверенным
в том, что все члены группы ею
Criteria for success:
Tasks and roles:
Criteria for succtss
(критерий успеха):
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       Time:                   3 minutes

       Criteria for success:   Everyone of the group realizes the moral.

       Tasks and roles:        There’s a list of words before you and some
                               synonyms are written on the board.
                               I am naming a synonym, your group tells me
                               a word from the list that corresponds to the
                               To look for something - to seek
                               to be sure - to be certain
                               to have something - to possess
                               to be alike - to have smth. in common
                               usual - common
                               a pity - mercy
                               to wreck - to ruin
                               to win - to conquer
                               a winner - a conqueror
                               Now the task is on the contrary - naming the
                               necessary antonym:
                               to build - to ruin
                               not to know / to doubt - to be certain
                               to find smth. - to seek
                               unusual - common
                               to lose - to possess
                               force, violence - mercy
                               to give up - to conquer
                               to lose the war - to win

        Criteria for succtss   Уметь оперировать, знать лексику по
       (критерий успеха):      теме "Завоевание"; быть уверенным
                               в том , ч то в с е ч л е ны группы е ю

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