20. "Hallo, Soames! Have a muffin?" "No, thanks," murmured Soames;
and, nursing his hat, with the desire to say something suitable and sympathetic,
added: "How's your mother?" "Thanks," said George; "so-so. Haven't seen you
for ages. You never go racing. How's the City?" Soames, scenting the approach
of a jest, closed up, and answered: "I wanted to ask you about Dartie." (J.G.)
21. He remembered suddenly one night, the first on which he went out to
dinner alone – an old Malburian dinner – the first year of their marriage. (J.G.)
22. And pot-bellied little coloured children fought hunger and sleepiness
while Lanny tried to teach them the three R's. (P.A.)
23. The equipage dashed forward, and before you could say Jack
Robinson, with a rattle and flourish, drew up at Soames's door. (J.G.)
24. You possess, sir, if you will permit me an observation, the art of
composition to a T. (R.L.S.)
25. Harris said, however, that the river would suit him to a T. (J.K.J.)
26. "There isn't a Forsyte now who appeals to me." "Not young Mr.
Nicholas? He's at the Bar. We've given 'im briefs." "He'll never set the Thames
on fire," said Soames. (J.G.)
27. … he rode from public house to public house, and shouted his sor-
rows into the mug of Tom, Dick and Harry. (R.L.S.)
28. But she would pick up with everybody, of course. He would have to
make himself agreeable to Tom, Dick and Harry. (J.G.)
29. The great cricket match was perhaps the most searching and awkward
time they annually went through together for Jolyon had been at Eton. (J.G.)
30. Macaulay's letter from Clyde Wynant was quite a document. It was
very badly type-written on plain white paper … It read: "Dear Herbert: I am
telegraphing Nick Charles who worked for me some years ago and who is in
New York to get in touch with you about the terrible death of poor Julia. I want
you to do everything in your power to (a line had been x'd and m'd out here so
that it was impossible to make anything at all of it) persuade him to find her
murderer. (D.H.)
31. And a fantastic thought shot into his mind. Absurd! Idiotic! But again
it came. And genuinely alarmed by the recurrence, as one is by the second fit of
shivering which presages a feverish cold, he sat down on the weighing
machine. Eleven stone! He had not varied two pounds in twenty years. (J.G.)
32. This war would surely be no exception. But his mind ran hastily over
his family. Two of the Haymans, he had heard, were in some Yeomanry or
other – it had always been a pleasant thought, there was a certain distinction
about the Yeomanry; they wore, or used to wear, a blue uniform with silver
about it, and rode horses. And Archibald, he remembered, had once on a time
joined the Militia; but had given it up because his father, Nicholas, had made
such a fuss about his "wasting his time peacocking about in a uniform". (J.G.)
33. As his hansom debouched on to the Embankment a man in top-hat
and overcoat passed, walking quickly, so close to the wall that he seemed to be
scraping it. (J.G.)
34. Winifred had heard from Val that there had been a "rag" and a bonfire
on Guy Fawkes Day at Oxford and that he had escaped detection by blacking
his face. (J.G.)
35. Jolyon found June waiting on the platform at Paddington. She had
received his telegram while at breakfast. Her abode – a studio and two
bedrooms in a St. John's Wood garden – had been selected by her for the
complete independence which it guaranteed. Unwatched by Mrs. Grundy,
unhindered by permanent domestics, she could receive lame ducks at any hour
of day or night …(J.G.)
36. He was a tall robust man wearing a trilby hat and a mackintosh, just
folding up his green umbrella. (I.M.)
37. Armed with his sociology degree, he went into local government, first
as an administrator, then as a social worker. Later he taught sociology and reli-
gious studies at a sixth form college. (I.M.)
38. However, instead of doing so, he became a teacher at a comprehen-
sive school teaching modern history. (I.M.)
39. P's and Q's were the letters she despised. And yet, to have to mind
them before him gave her a sort of pleasure, made her feel good. (J.G.)
40. Julia slipped out of the flat, and if she had not been England's leading
actress, she would have hopped on one leg all the way down Stanhope Place till
she got to her house. She was as pleased as Punch. (W.S.M.)
41. Mamma is smiling with all her might. In fact Mr. Newcome says …
"that woman grins like a Cheshire cat". Who was the naturalist who first dis-
covered that peculiarity of the cats in Cheshire? (W.M.Th.)
42. By some he is called … "a thorough-bred Englishman", by some, "a
genuine John Bull". (Ch.D.)
43. "There isn't a Forsyte now who appeals to me." "Not young Mr.
Nicholas? He's at the Bar." "He'll never set the Thames on fire," said Soames. (J.G.)
44. All right! He would show them! Squaring his shoulders, he crossed
his legs and gazed inscrutably at his spats. But just then an "old Johnny" in a
gown and long wig, looking awfully like a funny raddled woman, came through
a door into the high pew opposite, and he had to uncross his legs hastily, and
stand up with everybody else. "Dartie versus Dartie!" (J.G.)
45. The shade from the plane-trees fell on his neat Homburg hat; he had
given up top hats – it was no use attracting attention to wealth in days like
these. (J.G.)
46. And he directed his steps along the Club fronts of Piccadilly. George
Forsyte, of course, would be sitting in the bay window of the Iseum. The chap
was so big now that he was there nearly all his time. (J.G.)
20. "Hallo, Soames! Have a muffin?" "No, thanks," murmured Soames; 33. As his hansom debouched on to the Embankment a man in top-hat and, nursing his hat, with the desire to say something suitable and sympathetic, and overcoat passed, walking quickly, so close to the wall that he seemed to be added: "How's your mother?" "Thanks," said George; "so-so. Haven't seen you scraping it. (J.G.) for ages. You never go racing. How's the City?" Soames, scenting the approach 34. Winifred had heard from Val that there had been a "rag" and a bonfire of a jest, closed up, and answered: "I wanted to ask you about Dartie." (J.G.) on Guy Fawkes Day at Oxford and that he had escaped detection by blacking 21. He remembered suddenly one night, the first on which he went out to his face. (J.G.) dinner alone – an old Malburian dinner – the first year of their marriage. (J.G.) 35. Jolyon found June waiting on the platform at Paddington. She had 22. And pot-bellied little coloured children fought hunger and sleepiness received his telegram while at breakfast. Her abode – a studio and two while Lanny tried to teach them the three R's. (P.A.) bedrooms in a St. John's Wood garden – had been selected by her for the 23. The equipage dashed forward, and before you could say Jack complete independence which it guaranteed. Unwatched by Mrs. Grundy, Robinson, with a rattle and flourish, drew up at Soames's door. (J.G.) unhindered by permanent domestics, she could receive lame ducks at any hour 24. You possess, sir, if you will permit me an observation, the art of of day or night …(J.G.) composition to a T. (R.L.S.) 36. He was a tall robust man wearing a trilby hat and a mackintosh, just 25. Harris said, however, that the river would suit him to a T. (J.K.J.) folding up his green umbrella. (I.M.) 26. "There isn't a Forsyte now who appeals to me." "Not young Mr. 37. Armed with his sociology degree, he went into local government, first Nicholas? He's at the Bar. We've given 'im briefs." "He'll never set the Thames as an administrator, then as a social worker. Later he taught sociology and reli- on fire," said Soames. (J.G.) gious studies at a sixth form college. (I.M.) 27. … he rode from public house to public house, and shouted his sor- 38. However, instead of doing so, he became a teacher at a comprehen- rows into the mug of Tom, Dick and Harry. (R.L.S.) sive school teaching modern history. (I.M.) 28. But she would pick up with everybody, of course. He would have to 39. P's and Q's were the letters she despised. And yet, to have to mind make himself agreeable to Tom, Dick and Harry. (J.G.) them before him gave her a sort of pleasure, made her feel good. (J.G.) 29. The great cricket match was perhaps the most searching and awkward 40. Julia slipped out of the flat, and if she had not been England's leading time they annually went through together for Jolyon had been at Eton. (J.G.) actress, she would have hopped on one leg all the way down Stanhope Place till 30. Macaulay's letter from Clyde Wynant was quite a document. It was she got to her house. She was as pleased as Punch. (W.S.M.) very badly type-written on plain white paper … It read: "Dear Herbert: I am 41. Mamma is smiling with all her might. In fact Mr. Newcome says … telegraphing Nick Charles who worked for me some years ago and who is in "that woman grins like a Cheshire cat". Who was the naturalist who first dis- New York to get in touch with you about the terrible death of poor Julia. I want covered that peculiarity of the cats in Cheshire? (W.M.Th.) you to do everything in your power to (a line had been x'd and m'd out here so 42. By some he is called … "a thorough-bred Englishman", by some, "a that it was impossible to make anything at all of it) persuade him to find her genuine John Bull". (Ch.D.) murderer. (D.H.) 43. "There isn't a Forsyte now who appeals to me." "Not young Mr. 31. And a fantastic thought shot into his mind. Absurd! Idiotic! But again Nicholas? He's at the Bar." "He'll never set the Thames on fire," said Soames. (J.G.) it came. And genuinely alarmed by the recurrence, as one is by the second fit of 44. All right! He would show them! Squaring his shoulders, he crossed shivering which presages a feverish cold, he sat down on the weighing his legs and gazed inscrutably at his spats. But just then an "old Johnny" in a machine. Eleven stone! He had not varied two pounds in twenty years. (J.G.) gown and long wig, looking awfully like a funny raddled woman, came through 32. This war would surely be no exception. But his mind ran hastily over a door into the high pew opposite, and he had to uncross his legs hastily, and his family. Two of the Haymans, he had heard, were in some Yeomanry or stand up with everybody else. "Dartie versus Dartie!" (J.G.) other – it had always been a pleasant thought, there was a certain distinction 45. The shade from the plane-trees fell on his neat Homburg hat; he had about the Yeomanry; they wore, or used to wear, a blue uniform with silver given up top hats – it was no use attracting attention to wealth in days like about it, and rode horses. And Archibald, he remembered, had once on a time these. (J.G.) joined the Militia; but had given it up because his father, Nicholas, had made 46. And he directed his steps along the Club fronts of Piccadilly. George such a fuss about his "wasting his time peacocking about in a uniform". (J.G.) Forsyte, of course, would be sitting in the bay window of the Iseum. The chap was so big now that he was there nearly all his time. (J.G.) 25 26
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