Английский для повседневного общения (English for every day use). Колодина Н.И - 34 стр.


less traveled than the other Great Lakes. Lake Ontario borders the Canadian province of Ontario on its north
side and the northwestern part of New York and forms a crucial link of the St. Lawrence Seaway.
The lake is about one hundred ninety-three miles long and fifty-three miles wide and covers an area of seven
thousand five hundred square miles. The shore of the lake is approximately four hundred eighty miles
around. Two-thirds of the lake waters lie below sea level and, because Lake Ontario is very deep, it does not
freeze in the winter except near the shore where the water is shallow. A constant current carries the water
from west to east at the rate of about one-third of a mile per hour.
Because of the capacity of large bodies of water to retain heat, the lake has a moderating effect on the cli-
mate of the areas that surround it. For example, while the eastern shore of the lake never has a really hot day,
on its southern shore fruit trees grow both in the United States and Canada. The lake empties into the Atlan-
tic Ocean through the St. Lawrence River, while the Niagara River and the Welland Canal connect it to Lake
Erie in the southwest.
Exercise 1. Answer the questions.
39. How is Lake Ontario different from the other Great Lakes?
40. What can be said about the traffic on Lake Ontario?
41. How long is Lake Ontario's shore line?
42. How does Lake Ontario affect the climate in its vicinity?
Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English.
1 В зимнее время там, где мелко, реки и озера замерзают.
2 Раньше эта река была судоходная, но за несколько последних лет она сильно (опустела) обмелела.
3 Наша страна граничит с несколькими европейскими странами.
4 Завод пытается сохранить ежегодную норму выработки продукции.
5 Критический момент нашей поездки был, когда поезд проезжал через горный серпантин, и мы
могли видеть из окна последние вагоны поезда.
6 Достоянием этого города было красивое озеро, оказывающее смягчающий эффект на его климат.
Exercise 3. Retell the story.
(Narrator) Questions below refer to the following talk about Edgar Allan Рое.
First learn the words and word combinations by heart given below:
1) prominent [ ] – выдающийся, видный, известный, торчащий, выпуклый
2) affectionate [ ] – любящий, нежный
an affectionate farewell – нежное прощание
3) thorough [ ] полный, совершенный, основательный, тщательный, законченный, a
thorough scoundrel – законченный негодяй
4) appropriate [ ]подходящий, соответствующий (to, for), свойственный, присущий
5) succeed [ ] – следовать за чем-либо, сменять, наследовать (to), достигать цели, преус-
певать; to succeed in life – преуспевать в жизни
6) gamble [ ] – азартная игра
7) demise [ ] передача имущества, смерть, кончина, сдавать в аренду, передавать по наслед-
ству, отрекаться от (of)
8) pursuit [ ] – преследование, погоня, занятие
the pursuit of happiness – поиски счастья
daily pursuits – повседневные дела
(Woman) Today, we move on in an overview of prominent figures in 19th-century American literature.
We will begin with Edgar Allan Рое who, after more than a century since his death, remains among the most
popular American authors of all time. He was born in Boston on January 19, 1809 to a family of traveling
actors. About a year and a half later, his father, David Рое, left his wife and son and disappeared without a
trace. Elizabeth Рое, who was an English-born actress, died in 1811 in Richmond, Virginia, during a tour,
and her son was taken care of by the family of John Allan, a relatively wealthy tobacco exporter. The Allans
had no children of their own, and Mrs. Allan became an affectionate mother for young Edgar. Because the