Теория и практика глагольных форм. Колодина Н.И - 5 стр.


The large building being built in our street is a new school-house.
Present Participle Passive употребляется в функции обстоятельства в причастных оборотах для выражения
причины и времени. Такие обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениями причины и времени с глаго-
лом в страдательном залоге.
Being asked (=when he was asked) whether he intended to return soon, he answered that he would be away for about
three months.
4. Past Participle употребляется в функции обстоятельства в причастных оборотах для выражения време-
ни или причины. Такие обороты соответствуют обстоятельственным придаточным предложениям с глаголом в
страдательном залоге и переводятся обстоятельственными придаточными предложениями.
Asked (=When he was asked) whether he intended to return soon, he replied that ….
В причастных оборотах, выражающих обстоятельство времени, перед причастием часто употребляется
союз when.
When asked whether he intended to return soon
5. Perfect Participle Passive употребляется в функции обстоятельства причины и времени и выражает
действие, предшествующее действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым.
Having been sent to the wrong address the letter didn’t reach him.
Perfect Participle Passive часто заменяется Present Participle Passive or Past Participle.
Having been sent to the wrong address… = Being sent to the wrong …= Sent to the wrong address …
Ex. I. Translate from English into Russian.
1. While crossing the bridge, we saw D, talking with an old man. 2. Being very tired, we refused to go for a walk. 3.
Having been climbed the mountains the summer before the boys understood the difficulties. 4. A large branch, broken
by the wind, lay across the road. 5. At a conference of the Academy of Sciences being held in Moscow, a number of
important scientific problems are being discussed. 6. Being crossed the bridge he saw a small village which was situated
at the foot of a hill. 7. I’ll show you the article written by my brother. 8. Having been taught English by a good teacher,
he knew the English language well. 9. Being hidden by clouds, the moon was invisible. 10. Having been warned that the
river was rising rapidly, they turned back.
Ex. II. Translate from Russian into English.
1. Человек, приносящий хорошие известия, всегда является желанным. 2. Катаясь вчера на коньках, он
упал и ушибся. 3 Она провела путешественников в комнату, забронированную для них. 4. Мост, захваченный
неприятелем накануне, был снова взят нашими войсками. 5. Составляя телеграмму, мы должны употреблять
как можно меньше слов. 6. Листья, лежавшие на земле, напоминали нам об осени. 7. Книги, прочитанные в дет-
стве, кажутся старыми друзьями.
Ex. III. Translate from English into Russian.
1. I haven’t yet looked through all the magazines sent to us from Leningrad. 2. The machines ordered from the factory
will arrive in a few days. 3. I have already corrected all the compositions written by the students in my group. 4. Show
me the list of students learning English. 5. All the students taking part in this work must come to the Institute at six
o’clock to-night. 6. Having such a good dictionary you can translate this article easily. 7. While crossing the bridge, I
met D. 8. You should be very attentive when playing chess. 9. Being very tired, I decided to stay at home. 10. The cap-
tain stood on deck, giving orders to the sailors. 11. We sat in the garden for a long time, speaking about our trip to the
south. 12. Having lived a few years in Poland, he knew Polish very well. 13. Having won 1000 rubles, he bought a new
receiver. 14. Having collected all the material he needed, he started to write an article. 15. Having passed all the exami-
nations, he went to a village. 16. Having finished all work they could have a rest. 17. The ship charted for the transpor-
tation of these goods will arrive to the seaport tomorrow. 18. He showed us a list of the goods exported by this firm. 19.
Having returned from the expedition, he made a very interesting report. 20. Translating an article we used a dictionary.
21. Waiting for a tram, I saw Mr. A. 22. The goods passed through a customs examination were placed in a warehouse.
23. The railway line connecting this village with the town was built last year. 24. Books published for children are usu-
ally very well illustrated.
Participle I и II стоят перед существительным (в функции определения), если выражают качество:
a falling star