II. Выпишите и переведите на русский язык предложения, где слова с -ed являются причастиями.
1. The stocks owned by shareholders are bought and sold at the Stock Exchange.
2. Workers provided with economic security trust their government.
3. The government provided workers with economic security and helped them meet their medical costs.
4. New national leaders determined to reduce taxation stimulated private businesses.
III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива.
1. New farming technology allowed more food and fibre to be produced.
2. Such fields as chemistry, electronics and biotechnology made great advances to produce new goods and
3. The policy of the new national leaders was to reduce government expenses, levels of taxation and influ-
ence over the private sector.
4. The government began to play an important role in the market place.
IV. Выпишите по соответствующим группам и переведите на русский язык предложения с:
а) объектным инфинитивным оборотом;
б) субъектным инфинитивным оборотом.
1. The American economy is said to be a dynamic free-market system.
2. The government wants the citizens to make economic choices and decisions.
3. The federal government seems to play an important role in the market place.
4. The private sector expects the government to cut levels of taxation.
V. Найдите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом, выпишите их и переведите.
1. With the prices going higher and the wages frozen, it is difficult for people to make both ends meet.
2. On facing these problems voters became more acute.
3. Considering the complexity of the problem the decision was reached at a rather early date.
4. With the days ticking away in the election campaign, everyone must be ready to make a decision.
VI. Выпишите предложения с герундием и переведите их.
1. By providing workers with economic security the government takes care of the proper standard of liv-
2. Expanding its help the government fulfils its social security program.
3. The government can't make progress in the economy without stimulating the private sector.
4. While adapting the machinery and production processes of the Industrial Revolution, the USA became
an industrial country.
VII. Прочитайте и устно переведите следующий текст.
1. The American economy is a dynamic, free-market system that is constantly developing out of the
choices and decisions made by millions of citizens who play multiple, often overlapping roles of consumers,
producers, investors and voters. The United States is generally believed to be a mixed economy, which is to say
that even though the great majority of productive resources are privately owned, the federal government does
play an important role in the market place.
2. The ‘New Deal’ programs of the 1930s brought the greatest expansion of the government role. New
laws were passed regulating many economic activities – from sales of stocks to the right of workers to form un-
ions. Moreover, the government began to provide workers with a measure of economic security in their old age.
The Social Security program, enacted in 1936, still ensures that retired people have a regular income each
month, and has been expanded to help them meet their medical costs.
3. But the pendulum has also swung the other way. In the 1970s and 1980s, with taxes steadily rising and
the US economy standing, new national leaders were determined to cut government spending and levels of
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