clock v
clock in/on phr v [I] to record on a special card
or computer the time you arrive at or begin work
clock off/out phr v [I] to record on a special card
or computer the time you stop or leave work
collapse v [I] if a company, organization, or sys-
tem collapses, it suddenly fails or becomes too weak
to continue – collapse n [C,U]
commission n [C,U] an amount of money paid to
someone according to the value of goods, services,
investments etc they have sold
commitment n [C,U] a promise to do something
or to behave in a particular way
compatible adj
1) [technical] compatible machines, methods,
ideas etc can exist together or be used together with-
out causing problems
2) two people that are compatible are able to have
a good relationship
compensate v [I,T] to pay someone money be-
cause they have suffered injury, loss, or damage
compensation n [U]
1) an amount paid to someone because they have
been hurt or harmed in some way
2) the total of pay and benefits for an employee,
especially a high-level manager
competitive advantage n [C] something that
helps you to be better or more successful than others
complementary adj sold or used together with
other products
concept n [C] an idea for a product, business etc
consortium n plural consortiums or consortia [C]
a combination of several companies working together
for a particular purpose, for example in order to buy
something or build something
consumer behaviour BrE consumer behavior
AmE n [U] how, why, where, and when consumers
buy things, and the study of this
consumption n [U] the amount of goods, ser-
vices, energy, or natural materials used in a particular
period of time
contingency n [C] an event or situation that
might happen in the future, especially one that might
cause problems
controlling interest n [C,U] the situation where
one shareholder owns enough shares to control a
controlling shareholder also majority share-
holder n [C] someone who owns more than half the
shares in a company
core adj core business/activity/product the
business, activity etc that makes most money for a
company and that is considered to be its most impor-
tant and central one
adj using power in a dishonest or illegal
way in order to get money or an advantage of some
v [T] to encourage someone to behave
in an immoral or dishonest way – corrupted adj, cor-
ruptible adj,
corruptibility n [U]
corruption n [U]
1) the crime of giving or receiving money, gifts, a
better job etc in exchange for doing something dis-
honest or illegal that helps another person or company
2) when someone who has power or authority
uses it in a dishonest or illegal way to get money or an
adj made to look exactly like some-
thing else, usually illegally
v [T] to copy something so that it
looks like something else, usually illegally – counter-
feiter n [C]
n [C]
1) a time when many investments lose their value
very quickly, usually when investors lose confidence
in the market and sell
2) an occasion when a computer or computer
software suddenly and unexpectedly stops working or
fails to work properly
1) [I] if stockmarkets, shares etc crash, they sud-
denly lose a lot of value
2) [I,T] if a computer crashes, or if you crash a
computer, it suddenly and unexpectedly stops work-
crisis n plural crises [C,U]
1) a period or moment of great difficulty, danger,
or uncertainty, especially in politics or economics
2) a time when a personal problem or situation
has reached its worst point
culture n [C,U]
1) the ideas, beliefs, and customs that are shared
and accepted by people in a society
2) the attitudes or beliefs that are shared by a par-
ticular group of people or in a particular organization
customize also -ise BrE v [T] if something is cus-
tomized, it is designed or built especially for a cus-
tomer, making it different from other things of its kind
customs n [U] the government department re-
sponsible for collecting the tax on goods that have
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