Practical Tasks
forms of the verbs.
1. The aim of our negotiations is to discuss selling prices of competitive
goods on domestic market.
2. One way of translating salaries is to compare the value of the
currencies of the countries in question.
3. He gave up smoking.
4. He stopped to greet his partners.
5. Transactions and banking services have to be paid for.
6. There are many different ways to determine wealth.
7. The goal of macroeconomics is to look at overall economic
8. Gold fever is irrational, but gold has always held its value and is likely
to continue to do so.
9. He stopped using dictionary while translating such professional-
oriented texts.
Task 21. Choose the equivalent translation of English sentences.
1. Since almost every country uses a different currency, the totals from
each country have to be coordinated.
b) Так как почти каждая страна использует различную валюту,
итоговые суммы каждойстраныдолжныбыть скоординиро
с) Для всех стран, использовавших различную валюту, итоговые
2. If the Central bank increases money supply, consumers and business
have more money to spend on goods and services.
а) Если Центральный банк увеличивает денежное обеспечение,
потребителиибизнес имеютбольшеденег,чтобы потратить на
в) Если бы Центральный банк вводил больше денег в обращение,
с)Если ЦентральныйБанк увеличивал денежноеобеспечение, то
name should be the same in all ofcial languages of the European Union
(EU), taking account of different alphabets, and easy to pronounce. Above
all, it had to be simple and representative of Europe.
The currency also needed to have a symbol. Like the name, the sym-
bol had to be clearly associated with Europe, easy to write and attractive.
A list of thirty possibilities drawn up by European Commission staff was
reduced to ten and these became the subject of a public survey. From this
shortlist, two possible symbols emerged and the nal choice was made by
the then President of the Commission, Jacques Santer, and Yves-Thibault de
Silguy, the Commissioner in charge of Economic and Financial Affairs at
that time.
The euro symbol was inspired by the Greek letter epsilon, reecting the
cradle of European civilisation. «E» is of course the rst letter of the word
Europe. The two strong parallel horizontal lines are intended to symbolise
the stability of the currency. The ofcial abbreviation of the euro, EUR,
has been registered with the International Organization for Standardiza-
tion (ISO).
Task 1. Read the text and answer the following questions.
1) When and where did leaders decide on the currency’s new name?
2) What letter was the euro symbol inspired by?
3) Whatistheofcialabbreviationoftheeuro?
4) What is the symbol of stability of the currency?
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with correct word-combinations in the correct tense
form: to associate with, to decide on, be the same in, made by, to
register with, to be inspired by.
1) At the meeting of the European Council in Madrid in December
1995, Europe’s leaders ________the currency’s new name: the
2) Theyagreedthatthenameshould________allofciallanguagesof
the European Union (EU).
3) The currency also needed to have a symbol. Like the name, the
symbol had to be clearly ________Europe, easy to write and
4) Theeurosymbol_________theGreekletterepsilon,reectingthe
cradle of European civilisation.
5) Theofcialabbreviationoftheeuro,EUR,hasbeen_______the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
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