English for Masters in Economics. Маркушевская Л.П - 20 стр.


1. Bank’s computer system – a set of things working together as parts
of an interconnecting bank’s network.
2. Binary bits – a unit of information expressed as either a 0 or 1 in
binary notation.
3. Money supply – the total amount of money in circulation or in
existence in a country.
4. Monetary base relating to (but not being equivalent to) the
money supply (or money stock) is the amount of money in the
5. Debit card – a card issued by a bank allowing the holder to transfer
money electronically to another bank account when making a
Task 4. Fill in the prepositions. You can use for, from, of, on and others.
1) We warn the money supply to measure how much is available ___
immediate consumption.
2) Currency inside a bank cannot be used __ consumption.
3) Cash __ the bank is not money.
4) Eric deposits 100 euro ___ his checking account.
5) __ the same way, withdrawing money from the ATM does not affect
the money supply.
6) Even though currency inside a bank is not money, it is still part ___
the monetary base.
7) Commercialbanksobviouslycannotinuencetheamount__
currency __ the economy or the monetary base.
8) A bank will increase the money supply simply lending money __ a
9) The bank has simply converted one asset (cash) ___ another (the
promise of repayment).
Task 5. Study the information about the verbs «
to lendto borrow
Verbs «to lend» and «to borrow» are closely connected and are
sometimes confused.
If you are taking: You borrow something from someone/ Someone
lends something to you/Someone lends you something.
If you are giving: You lend something to someone/ You lend someone
something/Someone borrows something from you.
a) Find the sentences with the verbs «to lend» and «to borrow» in
the text «Currency inside banks is not money» and translate
1. под лежащее:
To come to lessons on time is quite necessary.
Приходить на занятия вовремя совершенно необходимо.
2. обстоятельство цели:
To survive one must struggle for life.
Для того чтобы выжить, нужно бороться за существование.
I just call to say I love you.
Я просто звоню, чтобы сказать, что люблю тебя.
3. дополнение:
I really wanted to get out of that house pretty quick.
Я действительно хотел побыстрее убраться из этого
4. оп ределение:
I his is the fence to paint.
Вот забор, который следует покрасить.
Higher education is a major issue to be discussed.
Высшее образование является основным вопросом, который
необходимо обсудить.
5. час ть составного ска зуемого:
1) часть составного именного сказуемого (to be+ innitive):
The problem is to protect nature.
Проблема заключается в том, чтобы защитить природу.
Подлежащее, как правило, выражено существительными типа:
function, aim, purpose, task, problem, question, stage, point и т. д.
2) часть составного модального сказуемого:
Nature is to be protected.
Природу необходимо охранять.