Из сравнения таблиц неличных форм глаголов в английском и рус-
ском языках следует, что системы неличных форм глаголов различны.
формы причастий
Active Passive
Present Participle
(Participle I) developing being developed
Past Participle
(Participle II) - developed
Perfect having developed having been developed
Причастие настоящего времени
Present Participle (Participle I)
Причастие настоящего времени образуется при помощи окончания
-ing, присоединяемого к неопределенной форме глагола (asking, writ-
ing, working) и выполняет в предложении ряд функций, являясь:
1. ч а с т ь ю в р е ме н н ы х фо р м (групп Continuous):
Неwasplaying in the garden.
Он играл в саду.
Неhasbeenstaying at the hotel since Monday.
Он живет в гостинице с понедельника.
2. оп р е д е ле н и е м (аналогично действительному причастию в
русском языке):
Look at the reading boy.
Посмотрите на читающего мальчика.
Exercise 1. Read aloud the following collocations to be sure that you
pronounce them correctly and translate them.
Argument, trial, error, managerial skills, essential feature, timescale,
short-term, medium-term agreement, ally, annual.
Exercise 2. Pay special attention to verbs with prepositions in post
position, which you will meet in the text. Translate them
into Russian.
Built up, make up, cope with, relevant to, depend on, draw up, begin
Managers and Planning
Managers, in particular Marketing Managers, are responsible for plan-
ning, organising, directing and controlling within their area of inuence. All
these controlling tasks are fundamental in assisting the manager to make
decisions. The formulation of marketing plans, and any strategy allied to
them, is strongly linked to managers’ ability to control the resources at their
disposal. Like most tasks in business, success depends on things getting
done by individuals within the organisation. The management of human as-
sets needs careful handling, as motivation, training and selection are the key
features of leadership.
We all have ideas of what a manager does; indeed, there are many theories
of management. Most managers learn how to manage the hard way through a
process of trial and error. This is not a satisfactory method, as organisations
need a manager to be effective immediately. Out of this need has arisen some
concepts of a scientic approach to managerial skills. This professional ap-
proach, in theory at least, requires managers to use their experience as a foun-
dation and, from this, to build up an understanding of the basic principles of
management. Then they must transfer these fundamental skills to help them,
and to help others, in making decisions. Of the basic principles, some are ap-
propriate to all management decisions, and others created to cope with specic
problems. The basic principles of management, as we have noted already, are
planning, organisation, direction and control. These are all relevant to formu-
lating a marketing plan and, indeed, to marketing management as a whole.
Planning is an essential feature of a manager’s responsibilities. Market-
ing planning requires the manager to set a series of objectives from which to
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