formulate a marketing strategy. Some notion of a timescale has also to be set
which considers the implementation and achievements of these objectives.
Just how these objectives are decided depends very much on the nature of
the business. However, there are a number of basic steps:
1. Analysis of performance, both current and past, of all products.
2. A review of marketing opportunities and possible threats.
3. Relating these plans to the overall corporate objectives.
Once the marketing objectives have been decided, the manager must now
determine which route to take to achieve these objectives. Many of the key
phrases and tactics are taken straight from military terminology, such as
anking*, or encirclement**. Broadly speaking, a marketing strategy is the
way in which the company or other organisation proposes to achieve its mar-
keting objectives, and should always include consideration of the following:
– The selection of marketing targets;
– Market positioning;
– An appropriate marketing mix.
The choice of the marketing strategy should always take into considera-
tion the company’s strengths and weaknesses, together with a good knowl-
edge of the market’s needs. These strategies represent the company’s overall
route to achieving the marketing objectives. Marketing tactics are the ne
tuning which adapts the strategy to ensure that the route is as smooth as
The real difference between strategy and tactics is unclear. Tactics can
be seen as a part of strategy, but strategies are nothing without a good tacti-
cal sense. If a Sales Manager’s strategy is to increase the customer base,
then an appropriate tactic is needed to achieve this. At the same time, if the
company’s strategy is to increase business, then the Sales Manager’s strat-
egy becomes the company’s tactic. In many cases a good strategy has failed
because of a company’s lack of attention to tactics, or use of an inappropriate
tactics. Equally, a poor strategy can be saved by clever tactics. Here are some
broad distinctions between strategy and tactics:
1. Tactics tend to be more detailed than strategies.
2. Tactics relate to a shorter time period than strategies.
3. Tactics tend to be more exible than strategies.
4. The range of tactics is usually wider than the range of strategies.
Timescales for achieving marketing objectives may vary greatly. As we
have noted earlier, these marketing objectives are expressed as being short-
term, medium-term or long-term, and may range from one month to ten
Неличные формы глагола
Таблица N1
Название Разновидность Пример Функция в предло-
причастие действительное играющий
страдательное играемый
деепричастие несовершенного вида играя обстоятельство
совершенного вида сыграв обстоятельство
ленная форма
играть 1. подлежащее
2. обстоятельство с
3. часть составного
4. дополнение
Таблица N2.
Название Разновидность Пример Функция в предложении
Present (I)
Past (II)
1. определение
2. обстоятельство
3. часть глагольной формы
1. определение
2. обстоятельство
3. часть глагольной формы
Gerund (ге-
- playing 1. подлежащее
2. дополнение
3. обстоятельство (с предлогом)
4. определение (с предлогом)
5. именная часть сказуемого
Innitive (ин-
- to play 1. подлежащее
2. часть сказуемого
3. обстоятельство
4. определение
5. дополнение
- « первая
- ‹ предыдущая
- …
- 32
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 36
- …
- следующая ›
- последняя »