English for Masters in Economics. Маркушевская Л.П - 36 стр.


Task 3. Match the terms and collocations from the text with their
1. strategy
2. asset
3. managerial
4. responsibility
5. tactics
6. consideration
7. objective
a) any property owned by a person or a
b) an ability of a manager to cope with
control, organisation, etc.
c) an object of ones endeavours, a goal,
an aim.
d) aparticularlong-termplanforsuccess
especially in business or politics.
e) the ability or authority to act or decide
on one’s own without supervision.
f) a fact or circumstances to be taken
into account when making a judgment
or decision.
g) the manoeuvres used or plans
Task 4. Topic for discussion.
Learning how to manage by experience is the only really effective
knowing what to do. Do you think this is true?
Conditional Sentences
Task 16. Translate Into English.
1. Чтовыскажете,еслибыяпредложилвамзанятьэтудолжность?
2. КакуюпрограммуВыбырекомендовали,еслибынасзаинтересо
3. Еслибыяумелатакхорошоговоритьнаанглийском,ябыневос
4. Еслибывырегулярновыплачивалиналоги,которыеобязаныоп
5. Еслибынашепредприятиеначиналоработатьраноутром,мыбы
6. ЕслибытывоспользовалсяуслугойAmericanExpress–дорожны
7. Еслибысчетаоплачивалисьсвоевременно,выбыненеслиот
8. Ябыдавноэтосделала,еслибызнала,чтоэтотакважно.
9. Еслитыпоследуешьмоемусовету,утебявсебудетвпорядке.
10. Навашемместеябынебралунегоденегвзаймы.
Task 17. Comment on the mood of the verb in the following sentences.
1. If you join a corporate bank as a graduate trainee in the UK, you will often
2. Ifyou’reastudentlookingforyourrstopportunityinnanceor
3. If you were working in a markets area of a bank based in the UK, you
could expect to come across exams ran by the University.
4. What would happen if a law was passed in the United States banning
coffee imports?
5. Ifwehadamorecompetentbossinofce,wewouldn’tevenbringitup.
6. If the service life the instrument had been prolonged, the economic
effect would have been increased many times.
7. Itwouldalsobemoredifculttospotcounterfeits,ifsuchbanknotes
were not withdrawn,
Task 18. Complete the conditional sentences.
1. Ifitwerenotsodifcult....
2. If it were the end of the term ... .
3. If you invited him ... .
4. If I were you ... .