Иностранный язык. Учебное пособие. Мартемьянова Н.В - 22 стр.


b) The decision was in order that peace (should) prevail.
made so that
Это решение было принято для того , чтобы мир восторжествовал.
He spoke slowly so that everyone (might) understand him. Он говорил медленно ,
так чтобы (для того чтобы ) всякий мог его понять.
с) You are certainly right whatever others may say. Вы, конечно, правы , чтобы
ни говорили остальные.
Whoever may support this proposal, I will object. - Кто бы ни поддерживал это
предложение , я буду возражать.
Инфинитив (The Infinitive)
Формы инфинитива
Indefinite Continuous Perfect
to write to be writing to have written
to be written - to have been
П р и м е ч а н и я : Частица to не ставится 1) после модальных глаголов must,
can/could, may/might, need; 2) после глаголов : to make заставлять; to let
разрешать; 3) после выражений: had better - лучше бы; would rather, would
sooner предпочел бы.
I. Put The Infinitive into the following sentences in an appropriate form. Insert
to if necessary.
James Smith decided (to dedicate) his book to his friend. 2. Some important
decisions must (to take) soon. 3. Let me (to defend) my point of view. 4. There was
one more announcement (to make). 5. Let us (to get in touch) with linguists in
Moscow. 6. Do you want (to make) John (to do )it? 7. Youd better (to translate) this
text yourself.
II. Put an appropriate form of The Infinitive:A)Passive or Active, B) Indefinite
or Perfect.
A. 1. The lecturer wants The student wants (to understand, to be
understood). 2. We expected the meeting next month. He expected the
attention of the audience (to hold, to be held). 3. Some changes had He wanted
some changes in the project (to make, to be made). 4. There were a lot of things
He was nowhere (to see, to be seen).
B. 1. Its good work for the day (to finish, to have finished). 2. She admits
the same mistake in her previous paper (to make, to have made). 3. He was sorry not
b) The decision was         in order that           peace (should) prevail.
    made                     so that
Это решение было принято для того, чтобы мир восторжествовал.
He spoke slowly so that everyone (might) understand him. – Он говорил медленно ,
так чтобы (для того чтобы) всякий мог его понять.
с) You are certainly right whatever others may say. – Вы, конечно, правы, чтобы
ни говорили остальные.
Whoever may support this proposal, I will object. - Кто бы ни поддерживал это
предложение, я буду возражать.

Инфинитив (The Infinitive)

                               Формы инфинитива

                      Indefinite               Continuous        Perfect
Active                to write             to be writing           to have written
Passive               to be written                  -              to have been

П р и м е ч а н и я : Частица ‘to’ не ставится 1) после модальных глаголов must,
can/could, may/might, need; 2) после глаголов : to make – заставлять; to let –
разрешать; 3) после выражений: had better - лучше бы; would rather, would
sooner – предпочел бы.

I. Put The Infinitive into the following sentences in an appropriate form. Insert
‘to’ if necessary.
James Smith decided (to dedicate) his book to his friend. 2. Some important
decisions must (to take) soon. 3. Let me (to defend) my point of view. 4. There was
one more announcement (to make). 5. Let us (to get in touch) with linguists in
Moscow. 6. Do you want (to make) John (to do )it? 7. You’d better (to translate) this
text yourself.

II. Put an appropriate form of The Infinitive:A)Passive or Active, B) Indefinite
or Perfect.
    A. 1. The lecturer wants … The student wants … (to understand, to be
understood). 2. We expected the meeting … next month. He expected … the
attention of the audience (to hold, to be held). 3. Some changes had … He wanted …
some changes in the project (to make, to be made). 4. There were a lot of things …
He was nowhere … (to see, to be seen).
   B. 1. It’s good … work for the day (to finish, to have finished). 2. She admits …
the same mistake in her previous paper (to make, to have made). 3. He was sorry not