Английский язык. Методические указания для студентов 2 курса строительного факультета - 18 стр.



profitable grocery store. 8. The conference has produced a political climate that is favor-
able for a peace settlement. 9. Many people use artificial sweeteners in their coffee instead
of sugar. 10. The cake was shared between the three children. 11. Legal requirements state
that working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week. 12. On the table was a glass bowl
filled with artificial cherries. 13. Nobody should be allowed to profit from war and human
suffering. 14. He was fined for exceeding the speed limit. 15. They’re all eager to grab a
share of the profits. 16. When Grandpa died, we each got a share of his property.
Ex. 4. Translate the words given in brackets into English. Translate the sen-
tences into Russian.
1. The greatest (препятствие) to economic progress has been mass unemployment.
2. A good manager will try to (привлекать) everyone in the decision-making process.
3. They don’t care who they sell weapons to. All they are interested in is (прибыль). 4. To
get to Harvard (ей пришлось преодолеть много препятствий). 5. You can make a very
healthy (прибыль) if you sell your house at the right time. 6. The conditions are now
(благопрятный ) for an economic recovery of this country. 7. This product contains no
(искусственный) flavours or colouring agents. 8. The three men sold their business – Jer-
emy’s (доля) was $500,000. 9. There is not a very (благоприятный) market for this prod-
uct. 10. The cost (не будет превышать) $250. 11. In this business we always (делим
прибыль). 12. Most people look better under (искусственный) light than in bright sun-
Ex. 5. Translate the words given in brackets and cross out that (those) which
can’t be used with the noun that follows.
- (to measure, to recall, to overcome) an obstacle;
- (to protect, to build, to spread) the permanent way;
- (to impose, to join, to erect) a bridge;
- (to be, to involve, to do) great expenses;
- (to lay, to cross, to damage) a canyon;
- (to build, to erect, to drive) a tunnel;
- (to comprise, to overcome, to affect) traffic flow.
Ex. 6.Translate the following words using the dictionary definitions:
a calamity - a terrible or very bad event; serious misfortune;
a disaster – a sudden great misfortune;
an avalanche – a large mass of snow and ice crashing down the side of a mountain;
a well – a place with round walls leading down to the water;
a stream – a natural flow of water, usually smaller than a river;
a ravine – a deep narrow valley with steep sides;
a range – a connected line of mountains, hills, etc.