Биоинформатика. Порозов Ю.Б. - 49 стр.




We have now identified a novel cis-acting element within the HIV-2
enhancer, immediately upstream of the kappa B site , designated peri-kappa B.
This site is conserved among isolates of HIV-2 and the closely related simian
immunodeficiency virus , and transfection assays show this site to mediate HIV-
2 enhancer activation following stimulation of monocytic but not T-cell lines .
This is the first description of an HIV-2 enhancer elementwhich displays such
monocyte specificity, and no comparable enhancer element has been clearly
defined for HIV-1.
While a nuclear factor( s ) from both peripheral blood monocytes and T cells
binds the peri-kappa B site, electrophoretic mobility shift assays suggest that
either a different protein binds to this site in monocytes versus T cells or that the
protein recognizing this enhancer element undergoes differential modification in
monocytes and T cells, thus supporting the transfection data.
Further , while specific constitutive binding to the peri-kappa B site is seen in
monocytes, stimulation with phorbol esters induces additional, specific binding.
Understanding the monocyte-specific function of the peri-kappa B factor may
ultimately provide insight into the different role monocytes and T cells play in
HIV pathogenesis.
Лабораторная работа 8
Цель работы
изучение возможностей горизонтального переноса
генов у бактерий на примере т-РНК синтетазы (рисунок 4).
Рисунок 4. Работа т-РНК синтетазы.
Роль т-РНК синтетазы.
При помощи BLAST выберите последовательности бактериальных
т-РНК. Постройте филогенетическое дерево, используя выбранные