Siddhartha – Сиддхартха
Isipatana – Исипатана (место, посещаемое провидцами)
Mara – Мара (бог смерти)
Ganges – р. Ганг
Subhadda – Субхадда
Bodhisattva (Бодхисаттва): its earliest definition is a being seek-
ing Buddhahood. Later in comes to mean a being destined for Buddha-
hood who defers personal Enlightenment in order to help other sentient
being on the path. In our story we refer to the Buddha as «Siddhartha»
when he is a prince, «Bodhisattva» when he decides to pursue the path to
Enlightenment, and «Buddha» once he as attained Enlightenment. Liter-
ally, «He whose consciousness has become intelligence or buddhi.»
Those who need but one more life to become perfect buddhas. Name of
office Lord Maitreya, known in the west as the Christ. The World
Teacher is the Master of Masters and teacher of angels and humanity.
Brahma (Бра(х)мa): the third aspect of the Hindu trinity – Siva
(father / ray 1 – will), Krishna (son / ray 2 – love) and Brahma (mother /
ray 3 – intelligence).
Buddha: one who is «enlightened» and has attained the highest
degree of knowledge possible for humanity in this solar system. Last
Avatar of the age of Aries. Previous World Teacher who historically
manifested through the Prince Gautama around 500 BC. The Embodi-
ment of Wisdom, he currently acts as the «Divine Intermediary» be-
tween Shamballa and Hierarchy.
Dharma: that which one must fulfil as an incarnate Being. One’s
duty as an understanding of the Law. Divine law, ethical doctrine – jus-
tice, harmony, virtue.
Karma: the Law of Cause and Effect. Physical action. The Law
of Retribution. Karma of merit / demerit. The whole universe is condi-
tioned by this law. Moral effect of an act committed which gratifies per-
sonal desire.
Nirvana: the Way into new fields of spiritual experience and of
divine development – incomprehensible as of yet, even to the initiate of
the third degree; this Way is revealed only when the antahkarana is built
and completed and the disciple becomes focussed in the Triad as con-
sciously as he / she is now focussed in the threefold lower nature; the
culmination of all knowledge and absolute wisdom.
Wesak: a festival which occurs at the Taurus full moon every year,
celebrating the birth of the Buddha, and where the Hierarchy gather to
receive newly released forces to the planet. A time for Initiation.
Subhadda: last person to be accepted into the Buddha’s Order.
Shakya: name of Siddhartha’s clan.
Lumbini: the garden where the Buddha was born; near the an-
cient city of Kapilavastu.
1. You can see that some terms are explained in the text. Read
the text again and try to find the definitions to the following words.
• Asita (Азита);
• Yasodhara (Яшодхара);
• Kataka (Катака);
• Rahula (Рахула);
• Chandaka (Чандака);
• Samadhi;
• Bodhi tree;
• Sangha (Сангха);
• Ananda;
• Hiranyavati.
2. Look through the text and give the synonyms to the following
1. sculpture
2. hermit
3. religious
4. achievement
5. respect
6. promise
7. feedleness
8. reincarnation
9. old and weak
10. disabled
11. stop
12. temporary
13. exceed
14. frightened
15. inspiration
16. catholicity
17. maintenance
18. shameful
19. opposite
20. calmness
21. sermon
22. particular role
23. happiness and
Learn them by heart.
3. Answer the following questions using the words from exer-
cise 2.
1. What is mythological at the very beginning of the story?
2. What do we know about Gautama Buddha?
3. What old man from Himalayas visited the King?
4. What 80 signs did he recognize?
Siddhartha – Сиддхартха Wesak: a festival which occurs at the Taurus full moon every year, Isipatana – Исипатана (место, посещаемое провидцами) celebrating the birth of the Buddha, and where the Hierarchy gather to Mara – Мара (бог смерти) receive newly released forces to the planet. A time for Initiation. Ganges – р. Ганг Subhadda: last person to be accepted into the Buddha’s Order. Subhadda – Субхадда Shakya: name of Siddhartha’s clan. Bodhisattva (Бодхисаттва): its earliest definition is a being seek- Lumbini: the garden where the Buddha was born; near the an- ing Buddhahood. Later in comes to mean a being destined for Buddha- cient city of Kapilavastu. hood who defers personal Enlightenment in order to help other sentient being on the path. In our story we refer to the Buddha as «Siddhartha» 1. You can see that some terms are explained in the text. Read when he is a prince, «Bodhisattva» when he decides to pursue the path to the text again and try to find the definitions to the following words. Enlightenment, and «Buddha» once he as attained Enlightenment. Liter- • Asita (Азита); ally, «He whose consciousness has become intelligence or buddhi.» • Yasodhara (Яшодхара); Those who need but one more life to become perfect buddhas. Name of • Kataka (Катака); office Lord Maitreya, known in the west as the Christ. The World • Rahula (Рахула); Teacher is the Master of Masters and teacher of angels and humanity. • Chandaka (Чандака); Brahma (Бра(х)мa): the third aspect of the Hindu trinity – Siva • Samadhi; (father / ray 1 – will), Krishna (son / ray 2 – love) and Brahma (mother / • Bodhi tree; ray 3 – intelligence). • Sangha (Сангха); Buddha: one who is «enlightened» and has attained the highest • Ananda; degree of knowledge possible for humanity in this solar system. Last • Hiranyavati. Avatar of the age of Aries. Previous World Teacher who historically 2. Look through the text and give the synonyms to the following manifested through the Prince Gautama around 500 BC. The Embodi- words. ment of Wisdom, he currently acts as the «Divine Intermediary» be- 1. sculpture 7. feedleness 13. exceed 19. opposite tween Shamballa and Hierarchy. 2. hermit 8. reincarnation 14. frightened 20. calmness Dharma: that which one must fulfil as an incarnate Being. One’s 3. religious 9. old and weak 15. inspiration 21. sermon duty as an understanding of the Law. Divine law, ethical doctrine – jus- 4. achievement 10. disabled 16. catholicity 22. particular role tice, harmony, virtue. 5. respect 11. stop 17. maintenance 23. happiness and Karma: the Law of Cause and Effect. Physical action. The Law 6. promise 12. temporary 18. shameful peace of Retribution. Karma of merit / demerit. The whole universe is condi- tioned by this law. Moral effect of an act committed which gratifies per- Learn them by heart. sonal desire. 3. Answer the following questions using the words from exer- Nirvana: the Way into new fields of spiritual experience and of cise 2. divine development – incomprehensible as of yet, even to the initiate of 1. What is mythological at the very beginning of the story? the third degree; this Way is revealed only when the antahkarana is built 2. What do we know about Gautama Buddha? and completed and the disciple becomes focussed in the Triad as con- 3. What old man from Himalayas visited the King? sciously as he / she is now focussed in the threefold lower nature; the 4. What 80 signs did he recognize? culmination of all knowledge and absolute wisdom. 17 18
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