move into the executive – приходящие на руководящие посты
train in manners – обучать хорошим манерам
social graces – принятые в обществе правила поведения
practicing poor etiquette – плохо владеть правилами этикета
lose the competitive edge – уступать в сравнении с теми, кто
cooperation of subordinates – отношения с подчиненными
pays both in intangible and tangible ways – окупается / компен-
сируется зримо и незримо
disgruntled – раздражительный
to endure – терпеть
unfailingly polite – безукоризненно вежливый
plead – ссылаться на
face-to-face business meeting – очная деловая встреча
ramble – говорить много и не по делу
leaving smb in the dark about – оставлять кого-либо в полном
to interject – вставить
talk over smb – “одолеть / победить”
transfer the call – переадресовать звонок
to assert control – установить контроль
1. Do you agree with the author’s statement concerning “manners
crisis” in today’s business world? Can you illustrate it with any example?
2. Do you think the communication etiquette is really important
in business? Why? Why not?
3. In which ways can communication etiquette influence а сагеer
of a business person?
4. Why are manners particularly important when speaking on the
5. Which telephone tips can you enumerate?
You are a busy person-you work hard to get education, you read
much, you take part in social activity at the university, take part in sport
events, meet your friends, and so on). Think, what items would you put
in your list under number 1, 2, 3 (not to forget them). What items are
more important for you? Why?
TEXT 2 (to train your brain)
Some but not all of the lines in the following text contain one ex-
tra word that should not be there. Read the text straight through to find
out what it's about. Underline the unnecessary words and tick (v) the
lines that are correct. The exercise begins with two examples (O).
How to be a Good Manager
0 v A lot of research has been carried out into what makes a good
0 manager. This research has covered over all types of working
1. environments by including industry, retailing and government.
2. As the result has been that several characteristics have been
3. identified as are being typical of the very best managers. It
4. that good managers are quick to give the praise to employees
5. deserve it and also to pass it on when it comes from outside the
6. company, from a customer, for example. Also a characteristic of
7. good managers is that they treat every people fairly and do not
8. favourites. The researchers found that managers who they were
9. thought to be discriminating against some people and giving to
10. others special treatment could seriously reduce the efficiency of
11. the work in force. It was also noticed that good managers
12. around a lot, for getting to know all the staff as well as people
13. outside the company, instead of always staying inside the of-
14. However, this had to be done carefully because employees, al-
15. they appreciate the manager taking up an interest in their work
16. do not want him or her constantly be looking over their shoul-
move into the executive – приходящие на руководящие посты in your list under number 1, 2, 3 (not to forget them). What items are train in manners – обучать хорошим манерам more important for you? Why? social graces – принятые в обществе правила поведения practicing poor etiquette – плохо владеть правилами этикета T E X T 2 (to train your brain) lose the competitive edge – уступать в сравнении с теми, кто cooperation of subordinates – отношения с подчиненными Some but not all of the lines in the following text contain one ex- pays both in intangible and tangible ways – окупается / компен- tra word that should not be there. Read the text straight through to find сируется зримо и незримо out what it's about. Underline the unnecessary words and tick (v) the disgruntled – раздражительный lines that are correct. The exercise begins with two examples (O). to endure – терпеть unfailingly polite – безукоризненно вежливый How to be a Good Manager plead – ссылаться на 0 v A lot of research has been carried out into what makes a good face-to-face business meeting – очная деловая встреча 0 manager. This research has covered over all types of working ramble – говорить много и не по делу leaving smb in the dark about – оставлять кого-либо в полном 1. environments by including industry, retailing and government. неведении 2. As the result has been that several characteristics have been to interject – вставить 3. identified as are being typical of the very best managers. It talk over smb – “одолеть / победить” seems transfer the call – переадресовать звонок 4. that good managers are quick to give the praise to employees to assert control – установить контроль who 5. deserve it and also to pass it on when it comes from outside the BUSINESS ETIQUETTE 6. company, from a customer, for example. Also a characteristic of 1. Do you agree with the author’s statement concerning “manners 7. good managers is that they treat every people fairly and do not crisis” in today’s business world? Can you illustrate it with any example? have 2. Do you think the communication etiquette is really important 8. favourites. The researchers found that managers who they were in business? Why? Why not? 9. thought to be discriminating against some people and giving to 3. In which ways can communication etiquette influence а сагеer 10. others special treatment could seriously reduce the efficiency of of a business person? 11. the work in force. It was also noticed that good managers 4. Why are manners particularly important when speaking on the moved phone? 12. around a lot, for getting to know all the staff as well as people 5. Which telephone tips can you enumerate? 13. outside the company, instead of always staying inside the of- fice. THE TASK FOR DISCUSSION 14. However, this had to be done carefully because employees, al- though You are a busy person-you work hard to get education, you read 15. they appreciate the manager taking up an interest in their work much, you take part in social activity at the university, take part in sport 16. do not want him or her constantly be looking over their shoul- events, meet your friends, and so on). Think, what items would you put der. 31 32
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