Методические указания для домашнего чтения по книге У.С. Моэма "Пироги и пиво". Скоромолова Ю.В. - 19 стр.



Chapters 24, 25, 26
1. Find the English equivalents of the following expressions in the text and produce the
situations in which they occur.
быть начеку
быть одобренным, приемлемым
быть на высоте
в ч-л распоряжении
воспользоваться (преимуществом)
ломать голову
обеспеченный средствами к существованию
причинять (страдания)
давать отчет в ч-л
без средств, разорен
вспылить, рассердиться
это выше моего понимания
питать интерес, любовь
2. Explain the meaning of the italicized phrases.
1. … the visitors admitted that they hoped to get a round or two at Rye, and here again Roy
was on the spot, … .
2. “You don’t know America as well as I do,” he said. “They always prefer a live mouse to a
dead lion….”
3. “…It always helps you if you put yourself in other people’s shoes …”
4. I chuckled when I reflected what a bombshell I could throw if I chose.
5. The Albemarle was a huge block of apartments, comparatively new, and it looked as though
it were inhabited by persons in easy circumstances.
6. She looked well and healthy and full of beans.
7. I expect London would seem very dead and alive to me after New York.
8. … they were poor people and they lived from hand to mouth in lodgings… .
9. “Well, it’s all so many years ago, what odds does it make?
10. “… and then when she finds out, and it’s funny how often she does, she kicks up no end of a
11. “…You’re queer fish, you writers.”
12. “I’ve had me time and I’m ready to call it a day.”
3. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words and memorize them. Read the
sentences in which they are found.
unusual indifference
inattentive unscrupulous
well-informed extremely
careful sorrowful
absolutely new improbable story
tired love without response
4. Speak about:
a) Amy Driffield as a widow of a distinguished man of letters
b) the dispute about Rosie
c) the impression aged Rosie produced on Mr. Ashenden
d) her life after her escape from her husband
e) the shocking episode from The Cup of Life.