Методические указания для домашнего чтения по книге У.С. Моэма "Пироги и пиво". Скоромолова Ю.В. - 21 стр.



3. работать на публику 4. в ч-л распоряжении
подшучивать без средств
в полной мере давать отчет
источать сарказм причинить неудобства
не найти отклика вмешиваться в чужие дела
быть одобренным прервать
ломать голову найти контакт с
5. ломать голову
дыхание перехватить
испытывать недостаток в ч-л
отдать должное
быть вне себя от
быть на высоте
питать любовь к
5. Paraphrase the following sentences using the idioms and set expressions from
Chapters 15-26.
1. If you only tried to imagine yourself in the same situation it would be easier for you to
understand my motives.
2. When I was a child we lived in want, that’s why my parents couldn’t provide me with the
proper education.
3. He had been ill for several months, but due to the proper caring of his wife he at last
4. Don’t take her escape too close to your heart. You can take advantage of her absence and
have fun.
5. I’m sure that your indifferent attitude to studying will do you no good.
6. Judging by your unsteady walk I can say that you drank too much beer.
7. I think we’ve done enough today, and I suggest that we should wind up.
8. If I disclose this facts of his life that will be a sensation.
9. Does it make any difference where to go?
10. For all these years he’s been spending money wastefully, no wonder that he is down and out
11. I’m a practical businessman and prefer making safe even if not very profitable deals.
12. She is sure to raise a scandal if you don’t follow her instructions.