Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование. Тарасова Л.А - 24 стр.


might be an insulator or a conductor. 5. Let us picture what to hap-
pen povided there were a conducting wire between two points of
unequal potential. 6. From the reservoir the water was directed through
a channel to some point, where it could fall into the lake. 7. In order
that the compound might be used it had to be purified. 8. However
that might be, the repair was ordered to be executed. 9. Important
as this question may be in itself, the debate on the subject went far
beyond its original bounds. 10. You ought to come at once. 11. I could
finish my work by December. 12. He gave me this plan so that I might
copy it. 13. Newton could not have got the law of inertia from the
«Dialogue» because it is not only stated there but also it seems to
have been denied in certain passages. 14. Whatever Galileo may have
had in mind, the words he published might have suggested to New-
ton his question about the apple and the moon. 15. You ought to be
ashamed of yourself for asking such a simple question. 16. I couldn't
afford to learn it.
VI. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, îáðàùàÿ âíèìà-
íèå íà ðàçëè÷íûå ôóíêöèè ãëàãîëà to do:
1. Newton did see the apple fall. 2. In any event he asked himself
why the moon did not move away from the earth or fall to it as the
apple did. 3. I admire him much more than I do a hundred artists who
is ensuing centuries have brought this profession to the highest per-
fection. 4. Newton assumed that a large body such as a moon would
move uniformly in a straight line in the absense of an external force.
He sought the force that prevented the moon from doing so. 5. What
Galileo had set out to prove had nothing to do with the moon. 6. It
is enough to read with care what Galileo published in the «Dia-
logue», because that is what Newton did. 7. Galileo did say that the
particular motion arising in heavy bodies from rotation of the earth
is circular. 8. Thus did Galileo recount his discovery in his epoch-
making book «Sidereal Messenger». 9. A collision at a low relative
velocity does allow the bodies to coalesce. 10. The calculations do
more, however, than confirm the earlier results.
VII. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, ñîñòîÿùèå èç
ìîäàëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ ñ ïåðôåêòíûì èíôèíèòèâîì:
1. It may have been a diagram in the «Dialogue». 2. I believe
what might have inspired his extention of gravity to the moon was a
might be an insulator or a conductor. 5. Let us picture what to hap-
pen povided there were a conducting wire between two points of
unequal potential. 6. From the reservoir the water was directed through
a channel to some point, where it could fall into the lake. 7. In order
that the compound might be used it had to be purified. 8. However
that might be, the repair was ordered to be executed. 9. Important
as this question may be in itself, the debate on the subject went far
beyond its original bounds. 10. You ought to come at once. 11. I could
finish my work by December. 12. He gave me this plan so that I might
copy it. 13. Newton could not have got the law of inertia from the
«Dialogue» because it is not only stated there but also it seems to
have been denied in certain passages. 14. Whatever Galileo may have
had in mind, the words he published might have suggested to New-
ton his question about the apple and the moon. 15. You ought to be
ashamed of yourself for asking such a simple question. 16. I couldn't
afford to learn it.

      VI. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, îáðàùàÿ âíèìà-
íèå íà ðàçëè÷íûå ôóíêöèè ãëàãîëà to do:
      1. Newton did see the apple fall. 2. In any event he asked himself
why the moon did not move away from the earth or fall to it as the
apple did. 3. I admire him much more than I do a hundred artists who
is ensuing centuries have brought this profession to the highest per-
fection. 4. Newton assumed that a large body such as a moon would
move uniformly in a straight line in the absense of an external force.
He sought the force that prevented the moon from doing so. 5. What
Galileo had set out to prove had nothing to do with the moon. 6. It
is enough to read with care what Galileo published in the «Dia-
logue», because that is what Newton did. 7. Galileo did say that the
particular motion arising in heavy bodies from rotation of the earth
is circular. 8. Thus did Galileo recount his discovery in his epoch-
making book «Sidereal Messenger». 9. A collision at a low relative
velocity does allow the bodies to coalesce. 10. The calculations do
more, however, than confirm the earlier results.

     VII. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, ñîñòîÿùèå èç
ìîäàëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ ñ ïåðôåêòíûì èíôèíèòèâîì:
     1. It may have been a diagram in the «Dialogue». 2. I believe
what might have inspired his extention of gravity to the moon was a