Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование. Тарасова Л.А - 46 стр.


The main crater of the Kluchevskaya volcano is a great hole
some 2,000 feet across. The top of the mountain is covered with
snow and ice, and the main crater cannot be seen. However, during
an eruption the lava also comes out through the weak places at the
sides of the mountain. Such eruptions, though smaller than the
main one, are much easier to see. The scientists can see them from
a distance of about 700 yards. First of all, they take many pictures of
the eruption. They register the speed with which the lava comes out.
They register its heigh and width.
Kluchevskaya had a great eruption in 1945. The fountain of fire
rose to a height of about ten miles. At its top was a lagre black cloud.
The fire could be seen at a distance of about 250 miles and the noise
could be heard 200 miles away.
camera ['k m r ] - ôîòîàïïàðàò
distance ['dist ns] - ðàññòîÿíèå
disturb [dis't :b] - áåñïîêîèòü, ðàññòðàèâàòü, íàðóøàòü
disturbance [dis't :b ns] - áåñïîêîéñòâî, âîëíåíèå
equipment [i'kwipm nt] - îáîðóäîâàíèå
eruption [i'r p n] - èçâåðãàòüñÿ âóëêàíå)
fountain ['fauntin] - èñòî÷íèê, ôîíòàí
lava ['la:v ] - ëàâà
main ['mein] - ãëàâíûé
mineral ['min r l] - ìèíåðàë, ìèíåðàëüíûé
mountain ['mauntin] - ãîðà
noise ['noiz] - øóì
reflect [ri'flekt] - îòðàæàòü, áðîñàòü òåíü, ðàçìûøëÿòü
register ['red ist ] - æóðíàë (ä/çàïèñåé), ñ÷åò÷èê,
silence ['sail ns] - òèøèíà
tongue [t n] - ÿçûê, ãîâîð
towards [t 'wo:dz] - ïî íàïðàâëåíèþ, ñ öåëüþ
tremor ['trem ] - äðîæü, òðåïåò
weak [wi:k] - ñëàáûé
yard [ja:d] - äâîð, ÿðä (ìåðà äëèíû îê. 91 ñì)
      The main crater of the Kluchevskaya volcano is a great hole
some 2,000 feet across. The top of the mountain is covered with
snow and ice, and the main crater cannot be seen. However, during
an eruption the lava also comes out through the weak places at the
sides of the mountain. Such eruptions, though smaller than the
main one, are much easier to see. The scientists can see them from
a distance of about 700 yards. First of all, they take many pictures of
the eruption. They register the speed with which the lava comes out.
They register its heigh and width.
      Kluchevskaya had a great eruption in 1945. The fountain of fire
rose to a height of about ten miles. At its top was a lagre black cloud.
The fire could be seen at a distance of about 250 miles and the noise
could be heard 200 miles away.

                     ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY

     camera      ['k m r ]        - ôîòîàïïàðàò
     distance    ['dist ns]       - ðàññòîÿíèå
     disturb     [dis't :b]       - áåñïîêîèòü, ðàññòðàèâàòü, íàðóøàòü
     disturbance [dis't :b ns]    - áåñïîêîéñòâî, âîëíåíèå
     equi pment [i'kwi pm nt]     - îáîðóäîâàíèå
     eruption [i'r p n]           - èçâåðãàòüñÿ (î âóëêàíå)
     fountain ['fauntin]          - èñòî÷íèê, ôîíòàí
     lava        ['la:v ]         - ëàâà
     main        ['mein]          - ãëàâíûé
     mineral     ['min r l]       - ìèíåðàë, ìèíåðàëüíûé
     mountain ['mauntin]          - ãîðà
     noise       ['noiz]          - øóì
     reflect     [ri'flekt]       - îòðàæàòü, áðîñàòü òåíü, ðàçìûøëÿòü
     register    ['red ist ]      - æóðíàë (ä/çàïèñåé), ñ÷åò÷èê,
     silence      ['sail ns]      - òèøèíà
     tongue       [t n]           - ÿçûê, ãîâîð
     towards      [t 'wo:dz]      - ïî íàïðàâëåíèþ, ñ öåëüþ
     tremor       ['trem ]        - äðîæü, òðåïåò
     weak         [wi:k]          - ñëàáûé
     yard         [ja:d]          - äâîð, ÿðä (ìåðà äëèíû îê. 91 ñì)