Методические указания по изучению грамматики английского языка. Васильева Г.В - 103 стр.


1. The meeting being over, we came home.
2. The question being too difficult, no one could
3. The installation was automized, its capacity rising
by 25 per cent.
3. Some new devices having been obtained, the
researchers could make more complex
4. Two objects having the same temperature, the
average energy of motion of their molecules is the
5. One scientist after another have tried cooling some
gas to absolute zero, their attempts coming to
6. There being an extensive system of free
correspondence education in our country, a great
number of people are correspondent students.
installation –
capacity –
average –
to cool –
attempt –
incandescent –
overcome –
Определите тип оборота (зависимый причастный, независимый
причастный, сложный герундиальный). Переведите предложения.
1. Several outstanding scientists have made great contributions to the science,
Yablochkov and Lodygin being the best known to us.
2. Lodygin’s having produced the first incandescent lamp is a generally
recognized fact. 3. The carbon filament not being efficient and economic
enough, Lodygin turned to the study of metals. 4. Having developed the device,
the scientist applied it in his research. 5. The metals being used in our work
possess many important properties. 6. Due to silver being a good conductor of
electricity it is widely used in industry. 7. The device functioned all the time,
using the energy of the sun. 8. Many difficulties having been overcome, the
problem of using this substance in our experiment was solved. 9. The engineer
testing this device is a good specialist. 10. The students of our group made a
series of very interesting experiments, the instructor being a well-known
1. The meeting being over, we came home.                 installation –
2. The question being too difficult, no one could        установка;
   answer.                                               capacity –
3. The installation was automized, its capacity rising   производитель-
   by 25 per cent.                                       ность;
3. Some new devices having been obtained, the            average –
   researchers     could    make      more     complex   средний;
   experiments.                                          to cool –
4. Two objects having the same temperature, the          охлаждать;
   average energy of motion of their molecules is the
                                                         attempt –
5. One scientist after another have tried cooling some
   gas to absolute zero, their attempts coming to        incandescent –
   nothing.                                              накаливание;
6. There being an extensive system of free               overcome –
   correspondence education in our country, a great      преодолевать
   number of people are correspondent students.

     Определите тип оборота (зависимый причастный, независимый
причастный, сложный герундиальный). Переведите предложения.

1. Several outstanding scientists have made great contributions to the science,
Yablochkov        and    Lodygin     being     the   best    known      to    us.
2. Lodygin’s having produced the first incandescent lamp is a generally
recognized fact. 3. The carbon filament not being efficient and economic
enough, Lodygin turned to the study of metals. 4. Having developed the device,
the scientist applied it in his research. 5. The metals being used in our work
possess many important properties. 6. Due to silver being a good conductor of
electricity it is widely used in industry. 7. The device functioned all the time,
using the energy of the sun. 8. Many difficulties having been overcome, the
problem of using this substance in our experiment was solved. 9. The engineer
testing this device is a good specialist. 10. The students of our group made a
series of very interesting experiments, the instructor being a well-known