Инфинитив, причастие, герундий. Антонишкис А.А - 11 стр.


1) Activate and paraphrase the following words: fuel, steam, engine,
turbine, generator, turbogenerator, combustion, solar, hydraulic, to comprise,
to obtain, to employ. Use the words in your own sentences, write them down.
2) Find and highlight the examples of infinitive forms and structures in the
3) Answer the questions:
1. What kind of energy do prime movers employ?
2. What power plants do you know?
3. What are the main generating units at steam turbine plants?
4. Where are combustion engines employed?
5. What are diesel-engine plants?
6. How are plants employing water called?
7. Where are wind-electric power plants widely used?
4) Summarise the main idea of the article.
Pre-reading task.
You are going to read an article about atomic power usage. Do you think this
method of producing power is safe enough? Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of generating power in this way. Make notes of the vocabulary
items you might need before you start your speech.
Text 2.
Industry depends on power. The industrial development of the last 200 year
has been based primarily on the exploitation of coal and later oil. In some parts
of the world the force of flowing water has been used to generate electricity.
Now a new fuel and a new source of power are put into practice. The fuel is
uranium and the source is atomic power.
Nuclear power plants offer a new means to make power available in regions
where the cost of transport almost equals its economic limits. One of the great
advantages of atomic power stations is the fact that they can be built in the very
region where power is used. As a result long electric transmission lines become
unnecessary. The atomic power plant is a typical steam power installation with
the electricity generated by a steam turbine operated by water converted into
steam as a result of uranium fission. The nuclear reactor is cooled by water
circulation. Cooling water circulates through a system of tubes, in which the
water is heated to a temperature of 250-300 ºC. In order to prevent boiling
water, it passes into the reactor at a pressure up to 150 atmospheres.
   1) Activate and paraphrase the following words: fuel, steam, engine,
   turbine, generator, turbogenerator, combustion, solar, hydraulic, to comprise,
   to obtain, to employ. Use the words in your own sentences, write them down.

   2) Find and highlight the examples of infinitive forms and structures in the

   3) Answer the questions:

   1. What kind of energy do prime movers employ?
   2. What power plants do you know?
   3. What are the main generating units at steam turbine plants?
   4. Where are combustion engines employed?
   5. What are diesel-engine plants?
   6. How are plants employing water called?
   7. Where are wind-electric power plants widely used?

  4) Summarise the main idea of the article.

   Pre-reading task.
   You are going to read an article about atomic power usage. Do you think this
method of producing power is safe enough? Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of generating power in this way. Make notes of the vocabulary
items you might need before you start your speech.

                                     Text 2.

    Industry depends on power. The industrial development of the last 200 year
has been based primarily on the exploitation of coal and later oil. In some parts
of the world the force of flowing water has been used to generate electricity.
    Now a new fuel and a new source of power are put into practice. The fuel is
uranium and the source is atomic power.
    Nuclear power plants offer a new means to make power available in regions
where the cost of transport almost equals its economic limits. One of the great
advantages of atomic power stations is the fact that they can be built in the very
region where power is used. As a result long electric transmission lines become
unnecessary. The atomic power plant is a typical steam power installation with
the electricity generated by a steam turbine operated by water converted into
steam as a result of uranium fission. The nuclear reactor is cooled by water
circulation. Cooling water circulates through a system of tubes, in which the
water is heated to a temperature of 250-300 ºC. In order to prevent boiling
water, it passes into the reactor at a pressure up to 150 atmospheres.