Учебно-методическое пособие по работе с книгой Л. Кэрролла "Приключения Алисы в Стране Чудес". Дедова С.А. - 7 стр.



Research your specific topic. You are looking for specific, in-
teresting facts – not everything! Give completed cards to your teacher.
When you finish, you may assist any member of the class who has a
question with the same card suit. The class «deck» is complete when
all research cards have been completed.
1) Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
2) Lewis Carroll, Writer
3) Lewis Carroll, Photographer
4) Lewis Carroll, Mathematician
5) Charles Dodgson, Deacon
6) Alice’s Adventures Underground
7) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
8) Through the Looking Glass
9) Alice Liddell
10) A photograph of Alice Liddell
11) Opium use in Victorian England
12) What it meant to be a gentleman in Victorian England
13) How children’s lives were different in Victorian England
14) The Riddle of the Raven
15) The servant's life in Victorian England
16) Tanners and their chemicals
17) Quadrille
18) Queen Victoria
19) Mock Turtle soup
20) Gryphon
21) What children studied in school in Victorian England
Game – After every class member has completed his/her re-
search, you will gather as a class and play the following game:
The Object of the game is to run around gathering information
about the opposing suits and then see how much you remember.
How it is Played:
Your teacher will deal you your own card(s).
Organize yourselves into two concentric circles, clubs and dia-
monds inside facing hearts and spades.
When your teacher gives you the signal, Run – clubs and dia-
monds run clockwise, hearts and spades run counterclockwise.
On the signal, Stop and face the classmate in the opposing cir-
cle. Exchange cards.
Read the topic and its notes. You may Ask any questions of the
card's owner. You now Own that card and its information. Keep it.
On the signal, Run. Repeat the Stop – Read – Ask – Own pro-
cedure 5 times.
Now, clubs and hearts switch circles.
Repeat the Stop – Read – Ask – Own procedure 5 times.
Ending: In the end, you should know a great deal more than
you did before you played the game.
       Research your specific topic. You are looking for specific, in-           When your teacher gives you the signal, Run – clubs and dia-
teresting facts – not everything! Give completed cards to your teacher.   monds run clockwise, hearts and spades run counterclockwise.
When you finish, you may assist any member of the class who has a                On the signal, Stop and face the classmate in the opposing cir-
question with the same card suit. The class «deck» is complete when       cle. Exchange cards.
all research cards have been completed.                                          Read the topic and its notes. You may Ask any questions of the
                                                                          card's owner. You now Own that card and its information. Keep it.
      Topics                                                                     On the signal, Run. Repeat the Stop – Read – Ask – Own pro-
                                                                          cedure 5 times.
      1) Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
                                                                                 Now, clubs and hearts switch circles.
      2) Lewis Carroll, Writer
                                                                                 Repeat the Stop – Read – Ask – Own procedure 5 times.
      3) Lewis Carroll, Photographer
                                                                                 Ending: In the end, you should know a great deal more than
      4) Lewis Carroll, Mathematician
                                                                          you did before you played the game.
      5) Charles Dodgson, Deacon
      6) Alice’s Adventures Underground
      7) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
      8) Through the Looking Glass
      9) Alice Liddell
     10) A photograph of Alice Liddell
     11) Opium use in Victorian England
     12) What it meant to be a gentleman in Victorian England
     13) How children’s lives were different in Victorian England
     14) The Riddle of the Raven
     15) The servant's life in Victorian England
     16) Tanners and their chemicals
     17) Quadrille
     18) Queen Victoria
     19) Mock Turtle soup
     20) Gryphon
     21) What children studied in school in Victorian England
      Game – After every class member has completed his/her re-
search, you will gather as a class and play the following game:
      The Object of the game is to run around gathering information
about the opposing suits and then see how much you remember.
      How it is Played:
      Your teacher will deal you your own card(s).
      Organize yourselves into two concentric circles, clubs and dia-
monds inside facing hearts and spades.

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