Грамматические трудности перевода общественно-политического текста с английского языка на русский. Домбровская И.В - 44 стр.


Придаточное 2-й степени подчинения может стоять сразу же после
союза, вводящего придаточное 1-й степени подчинения . В таком случае два
союза будут идти подряд .
Everything shows (1) that (2) what the country needs is a budget (3) which
drastically cuts military spending and export of capital.
В данном сложноподчинённом предложении главное предложение
everything shows; придаточное предложение начинается с союза that, за
которым следует союзное слово what, вводящее придаточное подлежащее
what the country needs, которое входит в дополнительное придаточное
предложение what the country needs is a budget, к предикативному члену
которого (budget) относится придаточное определительное, вводимое
союзным словом which which drastically cuts military spending and export of
Перевод на русский язык предложений с последовательным
подчинением не представляет особой трудности, если придерживаться
основных правил анализа, изложенных в начале главы.
П р и м е ч а н и е . В некоторых случаях не только сложноподчинённые, но и
сложносочинённые и простые распространённые предложения могут представлять
известную трудность при переводе. В этих случаях тоже необходимо проанализировать
предложение, выделить его главный состав и определить остальные члены предложения.
Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.
1. What is thought of as tax policy in the United States cannot exist in the European
Union because the EU levies no taxes of its own.
2. However ingeniously information-processing technology is used, what seems
certain is that threats to traditional notion of privacy will proliferate.
3. The very criterion that limits political democracy most seriously the fact that it is
a set of methods and procedures governing how policies are to be arrived at rather
than what policies are to be effected is also a source of its greatest strength.
4. Whether the Prime Minister will be successful in his plea for an early improvement
in world payment arrangements is rather doubtful.
5. The overseas trade position has therefore remained much better than last year.
What is not certain is whether the improvement is continuing sufficiently fast.
6. Colombian officials said they were disappointed that the head of the largest rebel
group in the country had not attended peace talks aimed at ending a 34-year-old civil
war, but they signaled that the negotiations would continue.
7. Kuwait, which has most reason to support the use of force against Iraq (but has in
fact been a bit equivocal), is one of the few to say it will attend the conference but
showed its feeling by saying it would send only an under-secretary from the finance
8. Meanwhile, a quarrel over whether the European Parliament has the right to push
through extra budget spending after the budget ministers failed to agree on its
proposals, could end up in court if France refuses to pay the extra funds.
       Придаточное 2-й степени подчинения может стоять сразу же после
союза, вводящего придаточное 1-й степени подчинения. В таком случае два
союза будут идти подряд.

        Everything shows (1) that (2) what the country needs is a budget (3) which
drastically cuts military spending and export of capital.

         В данном сложноподчинённом предложении главное предложение —
everything shows; придаточное предложение начинается с союза that, за
которым следует союзное слово what, вводящее придаточное подлежащее —
what the country needs, которое входит в дополнительное придаточное
предложение — what the country needs is a budget, к предикативному члену
которого (budget) относится придаточное определительное, вводимое
союзным словом which — which drastically cuts military spending and export of
         Перевод на русский язык предложений с последовательным
подчинением не представляет особой трудности, если придерживаться
основных правил анализа, изложенных в начале главы.

        П р и м е ч а н и е . В некоторых случаях не только сложноподчинённые, но и
сложносочинённые и простые распространённые предложения могут представлять
известную трудность при переводе. В этих случаях тоже необходимо проанализировать
предложение, выделить его главный состав и определить остальные члены предложения.

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.
1. What is thought of as tax policy in the United States cannot exist in the European
Union because the EU levies no taxes of its own.
2. However ingeniously information-processing technology is used, what seems
certain is that threats to traditional notion of privacy will proliferate.
3. The very criterion that limits political democracy most seriously – the fact that it is
a set of methods and procedures governing how policies are to be arrived at rather
than what policies are to be effected – is also a source of its greatest strength.
4. Whether the Prime Minister will be successful in his plea for an early improvement
in world payment arrangements is rather doubtful.
5. The overseas trade position has therefore remained much better than last year.
What is not certain is whether the improvement is continuing sufficiently fast.
6. Colombian officials said they were disappointed that the head of the largest rebel
group in the country had not attended peace talks aimed at ending a 34-year-old civil
war, but they signaled that the negotiations would continue.
7. Kuwait, which has most reason to support the use of force against Iraq (but has in
fact been a bit equivocal), is one of the few to say it will attend the conference but
showed its feeling by saying it would send only an under-secretary from the finance
8. Meanwhile, a quarrel over whether the European Parliament has the right to push
through extra budget spending after the budget ministers failed to agree on its
proposals, could end up in court if France refuses to pay the extra funds.