Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений для студентов специальностей "Промышленное рыболовство". Дьякова Н.П. - 38 стр.



nal product. The fish subjected to the smoking process is allowed to stand in the
smoking chamber so that the temperature reduces gradually.It is essantial that the
temperature in the kiln is controlled carefully for hot smoking and, to achieve this,
handling fish and operating the kiln are usually performed during the day. A compa-
ratively large quantity of sawdust is piled onto firewood to cause smouldering. Seven
to ten fires are put in one furnace and approximately seven pieces of fire wood are
placed on one fire. The fish hanging in the furnace are placed as near as possible to
the fire and care taken to avoid broiling. High temperatures, such as 50-80% C, are
applied occasionalli du-
ring the processing of either hot smoked animal or boiled fish meat. The exposure to
the smoke is usually continued until a smoke of flavour is given to the fish. The tem-
perature is maintained by either electric or steam heaters which are thermpstatically
controlled. The humidity of the warm smoke can be controlled by altering the amount
of fresh air entering the kiln. Although a great deal of smoked fish is still produced
by means of traditional kilns, mechanical kilns are being rapidly adopted in Japan.
Kilns of various capacities and types are available, however use of mechanical kiln
does not guarantee satisfactory results.
to thow размораживать, оттаивать
viscera внутренности
to eviscerate потрошить рыбу
to split распластовывать (о рыбе), расщеплять
to subject подвергать, подчинять
to dip погружать
spice специя, пряность, приправа
mild умеренный
occasionally время от времени
alternately попеременно
smoking chamber коптильная камера, камера копчения
to stand оставлять, оставаться, ставить
to allow разрешать
handling обработка, переработка
to pile складывать, сваливать в кучу
firewood дрова
furnace печь
to hang весить, повесить
to avoid избегать
exposure выставление, подвергание
to maintain поддерживать
to alter менять, изменять
broiling жарение на открытом огне
nal product. The fish subjected to the smoking process is allowed to stand in the
smoking chamber so that the temperature reduces gradually.It is essantial that the
temperature in the kiln is controlled carefully for hot smoking and, to achieve this,
handling fish and operating the kiln are usually performed during the day. A compa-
ratively large quantity of sawdust is piled onto firewood to cause smouldering. Seven
to ten fires are put in one furnace and approximately seven pieces of fire wood are
placed on one fire. The fish hanging in the furnace are placed as near as possible to
the fire and care taken to avoid broiling. High temperatures, such as 50-80% C, are
applied occasionalli du-
ring the processing of either hot smoked animal or boiled fish meat. The exposure to
the smoke is usually continued until a smoke of flavour is given to the fish. The tem-
perature is maintained by either electric or steam heaters which are thermpstatically
controlled. The humidity of the warm smoke can be controlled by altering the amount
of fresh air entering the kiln. Although a great deal of smoked fish is still produced
by means of traditional kilns, mechanical kilns are being rapidly adopted in Japan.
Kilns of various capacities and types are available, however use of mechanical kiln
does not guarantee satisfactory results.

to thow                               размораживать, оттаивать
viscera                               внутренности
to eviscerate                         потрошить рыбу
to split                              распластовывать (о рыбе), расщеплять
to subject                            подвергать, подчинять
to dip                                погружать
spice                                 специя, пряность, приправа
mild                                  умеренный
occasionally                          время от времени
alternately                           попеременно
smoking chamber                       коптильная камера, камера копчения
to stand                              оставлять, оставаться, ставить
to allow                              разрешать
handling                              обработка, переработка
to pile                               складывать, сваливать в кучу
firewood                              дрова
furnace                               печь
to hang                               весить, повесить
to avoid                              избегать
exposure                              выставление, подвергание
to maintain                           поддерживать
to alter                              менять, изменять
broiling                              жарение на открытом огне
