Дискурс и текст в аспекте перевода. Выпуск 1. Егорова М.А. - 42 стр.



Royal expert Ingrid Seward agrees that people in high places at-
tract more pressure.
3.2. Гипо- гиперонимическая замена
[48] In 1295, Good King Vaclav II of Bohemia founded the town
of Pilsen. He was certainly an affable old ruler and granted numerous
privileges to the towns inhabitants. One of these being the right to
brew beer.
[49] Students experience of French is broadened using state-of-
the-art language learning technology. In addition to advanced work
on French structures and usage, students learn how to handle differ-
ent registers of French and to recognise non-standard varieties of the
language, both spoken and written.
[50] Paul went out the door. I backed out after him. The Bronco
was right in front of the station. Go around, I said, and go fast. Get
in the other side and crouch down.
He did what I told him and I followed, backing, my gun steady at
the open door. Then we were in the car and out of the lot, and head-
ing toward Brighton along Commonwealth Avenue.
[51] Ten solicitors are facing criminal charges of defrauding the
legal aid fund, and a further 31 are under investigation.
The frauds have been unearthed by a four-man Legal Aid Board
team of three former police officers and a solicitor. The unit was set
up in 1980 after spot checks revealed a number of cases of inflated or
improper billing.
4. В каком порядке по отношению друг к другу при гипо- гипероними-
ческих заменах обычно располагаются гипоним и гипероним ? В текстах
[52] и [53] порядок следования указанных элементов был изменен на про -
тивоположный. Как это влияет на смысл текста? Восстановите исходный
порядок расположения гипонимов и гиперонимов в каждом отрывке .
[ 52] What are the mental processes involved in using language? What
is the role of language in society? How are second languages learned?
These are some of the questions to which the subject attempts to find an-
All students are given an introduction to the basic concepts and tech-
niques of linguistics.
[53] The leaders attending the conference will discuss possible ways to
speed up progress towards democracy in South Africa. Chief Anyaoku,
the Commonwealth Secretary-General, said that it might be necessary to
invite a representative from South Africa.

             Royal expert Ingrid Seward agrees that people in high places at-
          tract more pressure.
       3.2. Гипо-гиперонимическая замена
             [48] In 1295, Good King Vaclav II of Bohemia founded the town
          of Pilsen. He was certainly an affable old ruler and granted numerous
          privileges to the towns inhabitants. One of these being the right to
          brew beer.
             [49] Students’ experience of French is broadened using state-of-
          the-art language learning technology. In addition to advanced work
          on French structures and usage, students learn how to handle differ-
          ent registers of French and to recognise non-standard varieties of the
          language, both spoken and written.
             [50] Paul went out the door. I backed out after him. The Bronco
          was right in front of the station. ‘Go around’, I said, ‘and go fast. Get
          in the other side and crouch down.’
             He did what I told him and I followed, backing, my gun steady at
          the open door. Then we were in the car and out of the lot, and head-
          ing toward Brighton along Commonwealth Avenue.
             [51] Ten solicitors are facing criminal charges of defrauding the
          legal aid fund, and a further 31 are under investigation.
             The frauds have been unearthed by a four-man Legal Aid Board
          team of three former police officers and a solicitor. The unit was set
          up in 1980 after spot checks revealed a number of cases of inflated or
          improper billing.
  4. В каком порядке по отношению друг к другу при гипо-гипероними-
ческих заменах обычно располагаются гипоним и гипероним? В текстах
[52] и [53] порядок следования указанных элементов был изменен на про-
тивоположный. Как это влияет на смысл текста? Восстановите исходный
порядок расположения гипонимов и гиперонимов в каждом отрывке.
        [52] What are the mental processes involved in using language? What
     is the role of language in society? How are second languages learned?
     These are some of the questions to which the subject attempts to find an-
        All students are given an introduction to the basic concepts and tech-
     niques of linguistics.
        [53] The leaders attending the conference will discuss possible ways to
     speed up progress towards democracy in South Africa. Chief Anyaoku,
     the Commonwealth Secretary-General, said that it might be necessary to
     invite a representative from South Africa.