I. Translate into Russian.
a) 1. The books by N are often referred to. 2. Oxygen is spoken of
here as an active element. 3. The action of the apparatus cannot be much
relied upon as it is not new. 4. A mixture may be thought of as a combina-
tion of substances. 5. Matter is acted upon by cathode rays. 6. Faraday was
sent for. 7. The results of your experiment were spoken of last time. 8. Many
materials now commonly made use of were not even thought of thirty years
b) As is mentioned above it is stated that the atoms of mercury and
oxygen have been forced apart and as was to be expected two substances
different from the red oxide have come into being. As is known this type of
change has been called a chemical change.
c) As is known the improvements that chemistry has made in metals
and other structural materials, such as oils have been so numerous that they
can not be listed.
d) In 1911 some experiments were made by Ernest Rutherford which
showed that the particles of which atoms are made up are very small in size
compared with the atoms. It is known that other nuclei, but this was not
known before Lord Rutherford made his experiment.
e) It is found by experiment that all substances can be divided into
two classes elementary substances and compounds. As is stated an elemen-
tary substance is composed of one element, a compound is composed of two
or more elements. It is known that an element is a kind of matter all of
whose atoms have the same atomic number. This number can hence be re-
ferred to as the atomic number of the element.
II. Say it in English using the Past Continuous, the Past Indefinite, the
Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.
1. Что вы делали вчера в восемь часов вечера? 2. Спортсмены
тренировались вчера целый день. 3. Когда она вошла в комнату, дети
читали книгу. 4. Когда мы приехали в Горький, мы посетили музей
А.М. Горького и побывали в картинной галерее. 5. В прошлом году я
часто ходила в театр. 6. Я обедал, когда он мне позвонил. 7. Дождь шел
с пяти до семи. 8. Я вчера читал весь вечер. 9. Я очень много читал
прошлым летом. 10. Я пришел домой, поужинал и начал читать газету.
11. Шел сильный дождь, когда я вышел вчера из университета. 12. Пока
он готовился к лекции, я просматривал новые журналы. 13. Он хорошо
изучил английский язык до того, как поехал в Англию. 14. Я жил в Ле-
нинграде до того, как приехал в Москву. 15. Мы уже пришли домой,
когда пошел дождь. 16. Я обедал, когда мне позвонили. 17. Дождь еще
не прекратился, когда мы вышли из дому. 18. Мы упаковывали вещи,
когда он пришел.
III. Translate the text below (in written form) and prepare 5 questions to
the text.
Whether the differentiation of chemical substances into two groups:
elements and compounds, was possible, had been achieved by the end of the
eighteen century.
A long time was required for the recognition of the fact that the ele-
ments could be classified in the way now described by the Periodic Law.
The first step was taken in 1817, when the German chemist J.W. Dobereiner
(1870-1849) showed that the combining weight of strontium lies midway
between the combining weight of the two related elements calcium and bar-
ium. Some years later he found the existence of other “triads” of similar
elements (chlorine, bromine, iodine, lithium, sodium and potassium).
Other chemist then showed that the elements could be classified into
groups consisting of more than three similar elements. Fluorine was added to
the halogens, and magnesium to the alkaline – earth metals.
Oxygen, sulphur, selenium, and tellurium had been classed as one
group, and nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth as another
group of elements by 1854.
In 1862 the French chemist A.E.B. de Chancourtois arranged the ele-
ments in the order of atomic weight on a helical curve in space. The English
chemist Newlands in 1863 proposed a system of classification of the ele-
ments in order of atomic weights, in which the elements were divided into
seven groups of seven elements each. Both of these systems were not devel-
oped further. But the final and most important step was taken by Men-
deleyev. He classified the elements according to their atomic weights, their
physical and chemical properties with special attention to valence. Men-
deleyev not only classified the elements known to chemist at that time but
predicted the existence of some other elements.
прошлым летом. 10. Я пришел домой, поужинал и начал читать газету. TEST 2. TENSES IN ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICES 11. Шел сильный дождь, когда я вышел вчера из университета. 12. Пока он готовился к лекции, я просматривал новые журналы. 13. Он хорошо I. Translate into Russian. изучил английский язык до того, как поехал в Англию. 14. Я жил в Ле- нинграде до того, как приехал в Москву. 15. Мы уже пришли домой, a) 1. The books by N are often referred to. 2. Oxygen is spoken of когда пошел дождь. 16. Я обедал, когда мне позвонили. 17. Дождь еще here as an active element. 3. The action of the apparatus cannot be much не прекратился, когда мы вышли из дому. 18. Мы упаковывали вещи, relied upon as it is not new. 4. A mixture may be thought of as a combina- когда он пришел. tion of substances. 5. Matter is acted upon by cathode rays. 6. Faraday was sent for. 7. The results of your experiment were spoken of last time. 8. Many III. Translate the text below (in written form) and prepare 5 questions to materials now commonly made use of were not even thought of thirty years the text. ago. Whether the differentiation of chemical substances into two groups: b) As is mentioned above it is stated that the atoms of mercury and elements and compounds, was possible, had been achieved by the end of the oxygen have been forced apart and as was to be expected two substances eighteen century. different from the red oxide have come into being. As is known this type of A long time was required for the recognition of the fact that the ele- change has been called a chemical change. ments could be classified in the way now described by the Periodic Law. c) As is known the improvements that chemistry has made in metals The first step was taken in 1817, when the German chemist J.W. Dobereiner and other structural materials, such as oils have been so numerous that they (1870-1849) showed that the combining weight of strontium lies midway can not be listed. between the combining weight of the two related elements calcium and bar- ium. Some years later he found the existence of other “triads” of similar d) In 1911 some experiments were made by Ernest Rutherford which elements (chlorine, bromine, iodine, lithium, sodium and potassium). showed that the particles of which atoms are made up are very small in size Other chemist then showed that the elements could be classified into compared with the atoms. It is known that other nuclei, but this was not groups consisting of more than three similar elements. Fluorine was added to known before Lord Rutherford made his experiment. the halogens, and magnesium to the alkaline – earth metals. e) It is found by experiment that all substances can be divided into Oxygen, sulphur, selenium, and tellurium had been classed as one two classes elementary substances and compounds. As is stated an elemen- group, and nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth as another tary substance is composed of one element, a compound is composed of two group of elements by 1854. or more elements. It is known that an element is a kind of matter all of In 1862 the French chemist A.E.B. de Chancourtois arranged the ele- whose atoms have the same atomic number. This number can hence be re- ments in the order of atomic weight on a helical curve in space. The English ferred to as the atomic number of the element. chemist Newlands in 1863 proposed a system of classification of the ele- ments in order of atomic weights, in which the elements were divided into II. Say it in English using the Past Continuous, the Past Indefinite, the seven groups of seven elements each. Both of these systems were not devel- Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous. oped further. But the final and most important step was taken by Men- 1. Что вы делали вчера в восемь часов вечера? 2. Спортсмены deleyev. He classified the elements according to their atomic weights, their тренировались вчера целый день. 3. Когда она вошла в комнату, дети physical and chemical properties with special attention to valence. Men- читали книгу. 4. Когда мы приехали в Горький, мы посетили музей deleyev not only classified the elements known to chemist at that time but А.М. Горького и побывали в картинной галерее. 5. В прошлом году я predicted the existence of some other elements. часто ходила в театр. 6. Я обедал, когда он мне позвонил. 7. Дождь шел с пяти до семи. 8. Я вчера читал весь вечер. 9. Я очень много читал 25 26
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