11. "They tell me at Timothy's" said Nicholas, lowering his voice, "that
Dartie has gone off at last. That'll be a relief to your father. He was a rotten
egg." (J.G.)
12. "Hello, Warmson, any dinner for me, d'you think?" – "They're just
going in, Master Val. Mr. Forsyte will be very glad to see you. He was saying
at lunch that he never saw you nowadays." Val grinned: "Well, here I am. Kill
the fatted calf, Warmson, let’s have fizz." (J.G.)
13. He could now walk almost without pain. At the start, he had
determined not to limp. It had made him sick to take the first steps, and during
the first mile or so, he had compressed his breath, and the cold drops of sweat
had stood on his forehead. But he had walked it off. (D.H. L.)
14. The officer and his commands he took for granted, as he took the sun
and rain, and he served as a matter of course. (D.H.L.)
15. After many years of married life he had learned that it was more
conducive to peace to leave his wife with the last word. He was undressed
before she was, and climbing into the upper bunk he settled down to read
himself to sleep. (W.S. M.)
16. "Sit down!" said Jolly. "Take your time! Think it over well." And he
himself sat down on the arm of his grandfather's chair. (J.G.)
17. Again it seemed to Soames that the butler was looking curiously at
him. His composure gave way. "What are you looking at?" he said. "What's the
matter with me, eh?" (J.G.)
18. We passed the New Hotel, and she laughed. "A penny for your
thought," I said and she stretched out her palm at once. (V.N.)
19. "What did you want to see me about?" "Old Timothy; he might go off
his hooks at any moment. I suppose he's made his will." "Yes." (J.G.)
20. The other chap, Profond, is a queer fish. I think he's hanging round
Soames' wife, if you ask me. (J.G.)
21. He was staring right up the ceiling, but his eyes seemed to be turned
inwards, and he laughed so that my blood ran cold. (G.K.Ch.)
22. If his feelings about the war got known, he'd be nicely in the soup.
Arrested, perhaps, or got rid of, somehow. (R.A.)
23. Worst of all, he had no hope of shaking her resolution; she was as
obstinate as a mule, always had been from a child. He didn’t see where it was
to end. They must cut their coat according to their cloth. (J.G.)
24. "The question is, what had I better do with this house?" Young Jolyon
looked round the room. It was peculiarly vast and dreary… The house was a
white elephant, but he could not conceive of his father living in a smaller
place… (J.G.)
25. My position with her is extremely difficult. I don't want you to go
using your influence against me. What happened is a very long time ago. I'm
going to ask her to let bygones be bygones. (J.G.)
26. And he went on into Poultry with the flat green morocco case in his
breast pocket. Several times that day he opened it to look at the seven soft
shining stones in their velvet oval nest … Yes, they were of the first water.
27. "Deal with my reports yourself," resumed Soames, "and send them to
me personally, marked confidential, sealed and registered. My client exacts the
utmost secrecy." Mr Polteed smiled, as though saying, "You are teaching your
grandmother, my dear sir." (J.G.)
28. What worried him as a lawyer and a parent was the fear that Dartie
might suddenly turn up and obey the Order of the Court when made. That
would be a pretty how-de-do! (J.G.)
29. Why didn't he like Val Dartie? He could not tell. Ignorant of family
history, barely aware of that vague feud which had started thirteen years before
with Bosinney’s defection from June in favour of Soames' wife, knowing really
almost nothing about Val he was at sea. (J.G.)
30. Michael stared at them gravely for a moment as though he could not
quite tell what they were, and then with a little start, breaking out of a brown
study, said, "No, thank you." (J.G.)
31. "Your names, young gentlemen!" At this bland query spoken from
under the lamp at the garden gate, like some demand of a god, their nerves gave
way and snatching up their coats, they ran at the railings, shinned up them, and
made for the secluded spot whence they had issued to the fight. (J.G.)
32. "Well, haven't you got a cab?" "There's no one to be had for love or
money." (G.B.Sh.)
33. She was such a decided mortal; knew her own mind so terribly well;
wanted things so inexorably until she got them – and then, indeed, often
dropped them like a hot potato. (J.G.)
34. She was feeling that it would serve Alec and the lawyers right if all
went wrong. (J.G.)
35. If only he could have understood the doctor’s jargon, the medical
niceties, so as to be sure he was weighing the chances properly, but they were
Greek to him like a legal problem to a layman. (J.G.)
36. He had been out of touch with the Forsyte family at large for twenty-
six years … (J.G.)
37. "Old Shropshire’s a charmin' old man, but" – Sir Timothy touched his
forehead – " mad as a March hare about electricity." (J.G.)
38. The climate is all right when it isn’t too dry or too wet – it suits my
wife fine, but, sir, when they talk about making your fortune all I can say is tell
it to the marines. (J.G.)
39. … nor did Alice think it was so very much out of the way to hear the
Rabbit say to itself, "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late." (L.C.)
11. "They tell me at Timothy's" said Nicholas, lowering his voice, "that 26. And he went on into Poultry with the flat green morocco case in his Dartie has gone off at last. That'll be a relief to your father. He was a rotten breast pocket. Several times that day he opened it to look at the seven soft egg." (J.G.) shining stones in their velvet oval nest … Yes, they were of the first water. 12. "Hello, Warmson, any dinner for me, d'you think?" – "They're just (J.G.) going in, Master Val. Mr. Forsyte will be very glad to see you. He was saying 27. "Deal with my reports yourself," resumed Soames, "and send them to at lunch that he never saw you nowadays." Val grinned: "Well, here I am. Kill me personally, marked confidential, sealed and registered. My client exacts the the fatted calf, Warmson, let’s have fizz." (J.G.) utmost secrecy." Mr Polteed smiled, as though saying, "You are teaching your 13. He could now walk almost without pain. At the start, he had grandmother, my dear sir." (J.G.) determined not to limp. It had made him sick to take the first steps, and during 28. What worried him as a lawyer and a parent was the fear that Dartie the first mile or so, he had compressed his breath, and the cold drops of sweat might suddenly turn up and obey the Order of the Court when made. That had stood on his forehead. But he had walked it off. (D.H. L.) would be a pretty how-de-do! (J.G.) 14. The officer and his commands he took for granted, as he took the sun 29. Why didn't he like Val Dartie? He could not tell. Ignorant of family and rain, and he served as a matter of course. (D.H.L.) history, barely aware of that vague feud which had started thirteen years before 15. After many years of married life he had learned that it was more with Bosinney’s defection from June in favour of Soames' wife, knowing really conducive to peace to leave his wife with the last word. He was undressed almost nothing about Val he was at sea. (J.G.) before she was, and climbing into the upper bunk he settled down to read 30. Michael stared at them gravely for a moment as though he could not himself to sleep. (W.S. M.) quite tell what they were, and then with a little start, breaking out of a brown 16. "Sit down!" said Jolly. "Take your time! Think it over well." And he study, said, "No, thank you." (J.G.) himself sat down on the arm of his grandfather's chair. (J.G.) 31. "Your names, young gentlemen!" At this bland query spoken from 17. Again it seemed to Soames that the butler was looking curiously at under the lamp at the garden gate, like some demand of a god, their nerves gave him. His composure gave way. "What are you looking at?" he said. "What's the way and snatching up their coats, they ran at the railings, shinned up them, and matter with me, eh?" (J.G.) made for the secluded spot whence they had issued to the fight. (J.G.) 18. We passed the New Hotel, and she laughed. "A penny for your 32. "Well, haven't you got a cab?" "There's no one to be had for love or thought," I said and she stretched out her palm at once. (V.N.) money." (G.B.Sh.) 19. "What did you want to see me about?" "Old Timothy; he might go off 33. She was such a decided mortal; knew her own mind so terribly well; his hooks at any moment. I suppose he's made his will." "Yes." (J.G.) wanted things so inexorably until she got them – and then, indeed, often 20. The other chap, Profond, is a queer fish. I think he's hanging round Soames' wife, if you ask me. (J.G.) dropped them like a hot potato. (J.G.) 21. He was staring right up the ceiling, but his eyes seemed to be turned 34. She was feeling that it would serve Alec and the lawyers right if all inwards, and he laughed so that my blood ran cold. (G.K.Ch.) went wrong. (J.G.) 22. If his feelings about the war got known, he'd be nicely in the soup. 35. If only he could have understood the doctor’s jargon, the medical Arrested, perhaps, or got rid of, somehow. (R.A.) niceties, so as to be sure he was weighing the chances properly, but they were 23. Worst of all, he had no hope of shaking her resolution; she was as Greek to him like a legal problem to a layman. (J.G.) obstinate as a mule, always had been from a child. He didn’t see where it was 36. He had been out of touch with the Forsyte family at large for twenty- to end. They must cut their coat according to their cloth. (J.G.) six years … (J.G.) 24. "The question is, what had I better do with this house?" Young Jolyon 37. "Old Shropshire’s a charmin' old man, but" – Sir Timothy touched his looked round the room. It was peculiarly vast and dreary… The house was a forehead – " mad as a March hare about electricity." (J.G.) white elephant, but he could not conceive of his father living in a smaller 38. The climate is all right when it isn’t too dry or too wet – it suits my place… (J.G.) wife fine, but, sir, when they talk about making your fortune all I can say is tell 25. My position with her is extremely difficult. I don't want you to go it to the marines. (J.G.) using your influence against me. What happened is a very long time ago. I'm 39. … nor did Alice think it was so very much out of the way to hear the going to ask her to let bygones be bygones. (J.G.) Rabbit say to itself, "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late." (L.C.) 19 20
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