24. She had halted in front of the mirror, and was admiring her own splen-
did tragic figure. No one would believe, to look at her, that she was over thirty.
Behind the beautiful tragedian she could see in the glass a thin, miserable, old
creature, with a yellow face and blue teeth, crouching over the trunk. (A.H.)
25. He stumbled forward, drying her tears in readiness to give her the
keys. The audience was much moved. "Who are you?" shrieked the girl in
tones of most admirable terror. (H.E.B.)
26. Divorce proceedings delayed my voyage, and the gloom of yet
another World War had settled upon the globe when, after a winter of ennui
and pneumonia in Portugal, I at last reached the States. (V.N.)
27. It was raining cats and dogs and two little puppies fell on my writing-
table. (J.W.)
28. "But I don't understand where they drew the treacle from." "You can
draw water out of a "water-well", "said the Hatter. "So I should think you could
draw treacle out of a "treacle well" – eh stupid?" (L.C.)
29. She gave me one of those wounded-doe looks that irritated me so
much, and then, not quite knowing if I was serious, or how to keep up the con-
versation, stood … peering at the window pane rather than through it, drum-
ming upon it with sharp almond-and-rose fingernails. (V.N.)
30. Breathing violently through jet-black nostrils, he shook his head and
my hand. (V.N.)
31. "Well, sir, the Press is a sensitive plant. I'm afraid you might make it
curl up. Besides, it's always saying nice things that aren't deserved." "But this"
– began Soames; he stopped in time, and substituted: "Do you mean that we've
got to sit down under it?" "To lie down, I'm afraid." (J.G.)
32. "Did anybody else overhear you running her down?" She hesitated a
second. "No." "First lie!" thought Mr. Settlewhite, with his peculiar sweet-
sarcastic smile. (J.G.)
33. "Would you take any notice of MacGown's insinuation, Dad?" "…I
should." "How?" "Give him the lie." "In private, in the press, or in the House?"
"All three. In private I should merely call him a liar. In the Press you should
use the words: "Reckless disregard for truth." And in Parliament – that you
regret he "should have been so misinformed." (J.G.)
34. The young member for Mid-Bucks in his speech handled for a
moment that corner-stone of Liberalism, and then let it drop; perhaps he
thought it too weighty for him. (J.G.)
35. Led by what poor Francis called a "bell-boy" into the lift, she walked
behind his buttons along a pale-grey river of corridor carpet, between pale-grey
walls, past cream-coloured after cream-coloured door in the bright electric
light, with her head a little down. (J.G.)
36. Her abode – a studio and two bedrooms in a St. John's Wood garden –
had been selected by her for the complete independence which it guaranteed.
Unwatched by Mrs. Grundy, unhindered by permanent domestics, she could
receive lame ducks at any hour of day or night, and not seldom had a duck
without studio of its own made use of June's. She enjoyed her freedom … She
lived, in fact, to turn ducks into swans she believed they were. (J.G.)
37. He felt philosophic in Paris, the edge of irony sharpened; life took on
a subtle, purposeless meaning, became a bunch of flowers tasted, a darkness
shot with shifting gleams of light. (J.G.)
38. James was particularly liberal to her that Christmas, expressing
thereby his sympathy, and relief, at the approaching dissolution of her marriage
with that "precious rascal", which his old heart felt but his old lips could not
utter. (J.G.)
39. "We shall get plenty of riding and shooting, anyway," he said; "that's
one comfort." And it gave him a sort of grim pleasure to hear the sigh which
seemed to come from the bottom of her heart. (J.G.)
40. Dinner parties were not now given at James' in Park Lane – to every
house the moment comes when Master or Mistress is no longer "up to it"; no
more can nine courses be served to twenty mouths above twenty fine white
expanses, nor does the household cat any longer wonder why she is suddenly
shut up. (J.G.)
41. This was – egad – Democracy! It stank, yelled, was hideous! In the
East End, or even Soho, perhaps – but here in Regent Street, in Piccadilly!
What were the police about! In 1900, Soames, with his Forsyte thousands, had
never seen the cauldron with the lid off; and now looking into it, could hardly
believe his scorching eyes. (J.G.)
42. The future had lost all semblance of reality. He felt like a fly,
entangled in cobweb filaments, watching the desirable freedom of the air with
pitiful eyes. (J.G.)
43. Alex moved to the window and looked out. There was a slight rain
like pelting silver in the cool light. (I.M.)
44. When John Robert Rozanov surveyed his big flabby handsome-ugly
face in the mirror and when as he often did now, he considered his life retro-
spectively as if he were already dead, he concluded that what he had mainly
lacked was courage. (I.M.)
45. Now at last, sick with apprehension and horrible frightened joy, he
had reached the door and rang the bell. (I.M.)
46. He said, he might still have a room, had one, in fact – with a double
bed. As to the cot – "Mr. Potts, do we have any cots?" Potts, also pink and bald,
with white hairs growing out of his ears and other holes, would see what could
be done. (V.N.)
24. She had halted in front of the mirror, and was admiring her own splen- 36. Her abode – a studio and two bedrooms in a St. John's Wood garden – did tragic figure. No one would believe, to look at her, that she was over thirty. had been selected by her for the complete independence which it guaranteed. Behind the beautiful tragedian she could see in the glass a thin, miserable, old Unwatched by Mrs. Grundy, unhindered by permanent domestics, she could creature, with a yellow face and blue teeth, crouching over the trunk. (A.H.) receive lame ducks at any hour of day or night, and not seldom had a duck 25. He stumbled forward, drying her tears in readiness to give her the without studio of its own made use of June's. She enjoyed her freedom … She keys. The audience was much moved. "Who are you?" shrieked the girl in lived, in fact, to turn ducks into swans she believed they were. (J.G.) tones of most admirable terror. (H.E.B.) 37. He felt philosophic in Paris, the edge of irony sharpened; life took on 26. Divorce proceedings delayed my voyage, and the gloom of yet a subtle, purposeless meaning, became a bunch of flowers tasted, a darkness another World War had settled upon the globe when, after a winter of ennui shot with shifting gleams of light. (J.G.) and pneumonia in Portugal, I at last reached the States. (V.N.) 38. James was particularly liberal to her that Christmas, expressing 27. It was raining cats and dogs and two little puppies fell on my writing- thereby his sympathy, and relief, at the approaching dissolution of her marriage table. (J.W.) with that "precious rascal", which his old heart felt but his old lips could not 28. "But I don't understand where they drew the treacle from." "You can utter. (J.G.) draw water out of a "water-well", "said the Hatter. "So I should think you could 39. "We shall get plenty of riding and shooting, anyway," he said; "that's draw treacle out of a "treacle well" – eh stupid?" (L.C.) one comfort." And it gave him a sort of grim pleasure to hear the sigh which 29. She gave me one of those wounded-doe looks that irritated me so seemed to come from the bottom of her heart. (J.G.) much, and then, not quite knowing if I was serious, or how to keep up the con- 40. Dinner parties were not now given at James' in Park Lane – to every versation, stood … peering at the window pane rather than through it, drum- house the moment comes when Master or Mistress is no longer "up to it"; no ming upon it with sharp almond-and-rose fingernails. (V.N.) more can nine courses be served to twenty mouths above twenty fine white 30. Breathing violently through jet-black nostrils, he shook his head and expanses, nor does the household cat any longer wonder why she is suddenly my hand. (V.N.) shut up. (J.G.) 31. "Well, sir, the Press is a sensitive plant. I'm afraid you might make it 41. This was – egad – Democracy! It stank, yelled, was hideous! In the curl up. Besides, it's always saying nice things that aren't deserved." "But this" East End, or even Soho, perhaps – but here in Regent Street, in Piccadilly! – began Soames; he stopped in time, and substituted: "Do you mean that we've What were the police about! In 1900, Soames, with his Forsyte thousands, had got to sit down under it?" "To lie down, I'm afraid." (J.G.) never seen the cauldron with the lid off; and now looking into it, could hardly 32. "Did anybody else overhear you running her down?" She hesitated a believe his scorching eyes. (J.G.) second. "No." "First lie!" thought Mr. Settlewhite, with his peculiar sweet- 42. The future had lost all semblance of reality. He felt like a fly, sarcastic smile. (J.G.) entangled in cobweb filaments, watching the desirable freedom of the air with 33. "Would you take any notice of MacGown's insinuation, Dad?" "…I pitiful eyes. (J.G.) should." "How?" "Give him the lie." "In private, in the press, or in the House?" 43. Alex moved to the window and looked out. There was a slight rain "All three. In private I should merely call him a liar. In the Press you should like pelting silver in the cool light. (I.M.) use the words: "Reckless disregard for truth." And in Parliament – that you 44. When John Robert Rozanov surveyed his big flabby handsome-ugly regret he "should have been so misinformed." (J.G.) face in the mirror and when as he often did now, he considered his life retro- 34. The young member for Mid-Bucks in his speech handled for a spectively as if he were already dead, he concluded that what he had mainly moment that corner-stone of Liberalism, and then let it drop; perhaps he lacked was courage. (I.M.) thought it too weighty for him. (J.G.) 45. Now at last, sick with apprehension and horrible frightened joy, he 35. Led by what poor Francis called a "bell-boy" into the lift, she walked had reached the door and rang the bell. (I.M.) behind his buttons along a pale-grey river of corridor carpet, between pale-grey 46. He said, he might still have a room, had one, in fact – with a double walls, past cream-coloured after cream-coloured door in the bright electric bed. As to the cot – "Mr. Potts, do we have any cots?" Potts, also pink and bald, light, with her head a little down. (J.G.) with white hairs growing out of his ears and other holes, would see what could be done. (V.N.) 49 50
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