Предварительный анализ и перевод специального текста. Княжева Е.А - 14 стр.



The bubble sort algorithm is the simplest known method of sorting an array of
data. In this article I will describe the concepts behind several sorting methods,
focusing on bubble sorts in general. I will also create a C++ application that bubble
sorts an array of integers.
To work with the code samples in this article, you should have any ANSI-
compliant C++ compiler installed on your system. If youre after a free C++ compiler
for both Windows and Unix/Linux, then you can download DJGPP from this site.
If youve worked with any data intensive sorting algorithms before, then you
wouldve had to make an informed decision about which sort method to use. Once
you understand the logic of a sorting algorithm, its fairly easy to implement that
algorithm: the hard part is optimizing the algorithm to perform under processor
intensive operations, such as when multiple threads are used to run the algorithm on
10,000 sets of complex data.
There are dozens of different sorting algorithms in existence to sort everything
from numbers to vectors to custom-defined objects. The four most common sorting
algorithms are the heap sort, merge sort, quick sort and bucket sort. Lets take a brief
look at each of these now.
Text B
A Model of Communication
What are the main elements in the communication process through which
participants create and share information with one another in order to reach a mutual
understanding (Figure 4-1)? Human communication is never perfectly effective. The
receiver usually does not decode a message into exactly the same meaning that the
source had in mind when encording the message. A code is a classification such as a
language used by individuals to categorize their experience and to communicate it to
others. Decording is the process by which the physical message is converted into a
message by a source.
Noise can interfere with the transmission of a message. Noise is anything that
hinders the communication process among participants. Perhaps the symbol that was
communicated was interpreted differently by the receiver than by the source. For
instance, while the swastika is abhorrent to someone whose ancestors were killed in
the Holocaust. The arms of the Nazi swastika, however, point in the opposite
direction (clockwise) than do the arms on the Buddhist swastika in India. When the
source and the receiver do not share a common value regarding the message content
(as in the case illustrations in chapter 3 of the live animal market and clitorectomy),
effective communication is unlikely to occur, leading to conflict. The more dissimilar
(heterophilous) the source and receiver, the more likely that their communication will
be ineffective.
A source is the individual who originates a message by encoding an idea into a
message. A receiver is the individual who decodes a communication message by
converting it into an idea. A channel is the means by which a message is transmitted
from its origin to its destination. Feedback is a message about the effects of a
previous message that is sent back to the source.
       The bubble sort algorithm is the simplest known method of sorting an array of
data. In this article I will describe the concepts behind several sorting methods,
focusing on bubble sorts in general. I will also create a C++ application that bubble
sorts an array of integers.
       To work with the code samples in this article, you should have any ANSI-
compliant C++ compiler installed on your system. If you’re after a free C++ compiler
for both Windows and Unix/Linux, then you can download DJGPP from this site.
       If you’ve worked with any data intensive sorting algorithms before, then you
would’ve had to make an informed decision about which sort method to use. Once
you understand the logic of a sorting algorithm, it’s fairly easy to implement that
algorithm: the hard part is optimizing the algorithm to perform under processor
intensive operations, such as when multiple threads are used to run the algorithm on
10,000 sets of complex data.
       There are dozens of different sorting algorithms in existence to sort everything
from numbers to vectors to custom-defined objects. The four most common sorting
algorithms are the heap sort, merge sort, quick sort and bucket sort. Let’s take a brief
look at each of these now.

       Text B
       A Model of Communication
       What are the main elements in the communication process through which
participants create and share information with one another in order to reach a mutual
understanding (Figure 4-1)? Human communication is never perfectly effective. The
receiver usually does not decode a message into exactly the same meaning that the
source had in mind when encording the message. A code is a classification such as a
language used by individuals to categorize their experience and to communicate it to
others. Decording is the process by which the physical message is converted into a
message by a source.
       Noise can interfere with the transmission of a message. Noise is anything that
hinders the communication process among participants. Perhaps the symbol that was
communicated was interpreted differently by the receiver than by the source. For
instance, while the swastika is abhorrent to someone whose ancestors were killed in
the Holocaust. The arms of the Nazi swastika, however, point in the opposite
direction (clockwise) than do the arms on the Buddhist swastika in India. When the
source and the receiver do not share a common value regarding the message content
(as in the case illustrations in chapter 3 of the live animal market and clitorectomy),
effective communication is unlikely to occur, leading to conflict. The more dissimilar
(heterophilous) the source and receiver, the more likely that their communication will
be ineffective.
       A source is the individual who originates a message by encoding an idea into a
message. A receiver is the individual who decodes a communication message by
converting it into an idea. A channel is the means by which a message is transmitted
from its origin to its destination. Feedback is a message about the effects of a
previous message that is sent back to the source.