Предварительный анализ и перевод специального текста. Княжева Е.А - 15 стр.



Most communication research seeks to understand the effects of
communication on individuals who are exposed to certain messages. Effects are the
changes in an individuals knowledge, attitudes, and overt behavior due to exposure
to a communication message. Communication scholars look at source variables,
channel variables, and receiver variables in order to explain communication effects.
Most of us, when we communicate, try to bring about effects in other people.
Text C
Hispanics are people of Spanish or American origin. Some Hispanics lived in
areas that later became part of the United States (for example, in what are now the
states of California and New Mexico). Many others immigrated to the United States.
Hispanic immigration has increased greatly in recent decades.
Hispanics come from many different countries. Three especially large groups
are Mexican-Americans (who make up about two-thirds of the total Hispanic
population), Puerto Ricans, and Cuban-Americans. (Puerto Rico was a U.S. territory
and since 1952 has been a self-governing commonwealth.) While the groups have
much in common (especially the Spanish language), there are also many differences.
The groups are also concentrated in different areas - Mexican-Americans in Texas
and California, Puerto Ricans in New York, and Cuban-Americans in Florida. Many
recent immigrants are from Central American countries.
Hispanics are one of the fastest growing groups in the United States
population. Within 25 years, they will be the largest minority group.
In the nineteenth century, laws limited Asian immigration. Also, Asians in the
United States, such as the Chinese and Japanese who had come to California, met
widespread discrimination.
Since the mid-1960-s, with changes in immigration laws and with conflicts in
South-east Asia, Asians have been a major immigrant group. In the 1980-s, for
example, almost half of all immigrants were Asian. Countries that Asian-Americans
have come from include China and Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Korea, Vietnam,
Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and India. Many have settled in California, Hawaii, New
York, and Texas.
Melting Pots and Mosaics
For years, it was thought that the United States was and should be a «melting
pot»-in other words, that people from all over the world would come and adopt the
American culture as their own. More recently, some people have compared the
United States to a mosaic-a picture made of many different pieces. Americas
strength, they argue, lies in its diversity and in the contributions made by people of
many different cultures. America needs to preserve and encourage this diversity,
while making sure that everyone has equal opportunity to succeed.
      Most communication research seeks to understand the effects of
communication on individuals who are exposed to certain messages. Effects are the
changes in an individual’s knowledge, attitudes, and overt behavior due to exposure
to a communication message. Communication scholars look at source variables,
channel variables, and receiver variables in order to explain communication effects.
Most of us, when we communicate, try to bring about effects in other people.

       Text C
       Hispanics are people of Spanish or–American origin. Some Hispanics lived in
areas that later became part of the United States (for example, in what are now the
states of California and New Mexico). Many others immigrated to the United States.
Hispanic immigration has increased greatly in recent decades.
       Hispanics come from many different countries. Three especially large groups
are Mexican-Americans (who make up about two-thirds of the total Hispanic
population), Puerto Ricans, and Cuban-Americans. (Puerto Rico was a U.S. territory
and since 1952 has been a self-governing commonwealth.) While the groups have
much in common (especially the Spanish language), there are also many differences.
The groups are also concentrated in different areas - Mexican-Americans in Texas
and California, Puerto Ricans in New York, and Cuban-Americans in Florida. Many
recent immigrants are from Central American countries.
       Hispanics are one of the fastest growing groups in the United States
population. Within 25 years, they will be the largest minority group.
       In the nineteenth century, laws limited Asian immigration. Also, Asians in the
United States, such as the Chinese and Japanese who had come to California, met
widespread discrimination.
       Since the mid-1960-s, with changes in immigration laws and with conflicts in
South-east Asia, Asians have been a major immigrant group. In the 1980-s, for
example, almost half of all immigrants were Asian. Countries that Asian-Americans
have come from include China and Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Korea, Vietnam,
Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and India. Many have settled in California, Hawaii, New
York, and Texas.
       Melting Pots and Mosaics
       For years, it was thought that the United States was and should be a «melting
pot»-in other words, that people from all over the world would come and adopt the
American culture as their own. More recently, some people have compared the
United States to a mosaic-a picture made of many different pieces. America’s
strength, they argue, lies in its diversity and in the contributions made by people of
many different cultures. America needs to preserve and encourage this diversity,
while making sure that everyone has equal opportunity to succeed.