Английский язык: Контрольная работа N 3 для студентов экономических специальностей. Коломейцева Е.М - 9 стр.


IV. Перепишите следующие предложения. Выпишите из каждого глагол-сказуемое и определите
его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The company has been paid a large amount of money.
2. Our firm has extended its resources through the use of credits.
3. They have been discussing the prospects of financial activity of our company for a long time.
4. The bank offered a loan to one of its clients after he had signed a note promising to repay it on a certain
V. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функцию
глагола to have.
1. We had to create an effective system of communication for our business.
2. Our company hadn't provided any services until we introduced some structural changes.
3. In recent years the development of the small business sector has been paid much attention to.
4. I have fifty shares of that company.
5. The client has just taken a large sum of money from his account.
VI. Прочитайте и устно переведите следующий текст.
1. The investor who wishes to buy securities should approach the broker who will undertake the purchase
for him. The Stock Exchange is a highly organized financial market. Only experts are allowed to deal on such a
market, because ordinary people can mаke a bad bargain and lose their money. Only experts with experience on
the financial market are able to judge what a fair price for securities is.
2. There are two classes of experts: brokers and jobbers. The broker buys and sells shares on behalf of the
customer or he is allowed to deal on his own account. Brokers are paid by the client according to the fixed scale
of charges, usually 1,25 per cent. Brokers are allowed to advise the clients on their investment, but they are not
allowed to advertise.
3. Brokers execute their clients' orders by dealing with jobbers. The jobber is a wholesaler of shares. A
broker wishing to sell shares on behalf of the client obtains them from the jobber at a fair price. The difference
between the jobber's buying price and the price at which he sells securities is the jobber's return. As the market
is highly competitive, it is unlikely that the jobber's return will be excessive.
4. As the Stock Exchange today has more than nine thousand different securities a jobber will not be able
to work properly with all of them. A jobber or a firm of jobbers usually concentrates on two or three classes of
shares because no one can be an expert in all classes of securities.
5. If the company decides to issue securities it should take the following steps:
a) the company has to obtain advice usually from a merchant bank and obtain the services of a stockbro-
b) the Stock Exchange must examine the company's trading history, profit and loss account, management
record and prospects;
c) the number and types of shares that are to be issued should be defined;
d) the company's prospectus is to be published giving details of the company and price of the shares it is
offering for sale;
e) applications for shares made by the public are allocated;
f) finally, shares are traded on the Stock Exchange.
Success of the company is measured by how many of the shares have been bought and how much they
have risen in price.
VII. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих русских слов и словосочетаний и вы-
пишите их:
1) совершить покупку; 2) работать на рынке; 3) совершить плохую сделку; 4) терять деньги; 5) опыт
работы на рынке финансов; 6) оптимальная цена на акцию; 7) от имени; 8) действовать самостоятельно;
9) шкала расценок; 10) давать рекламу; 11) оптовик; 12) прибыль (доход); 13) работать должным обра-
зом; 14) отчет о прибылях и убытках; 15) отчет о деятельности руководства; 16) перспективы; 17) про-
спект компании; 18) предлагать для продажи; 19) заявки на акции; 20) размещать.