Менеджеры и менеджмент (Executives and Management). Коломейцева Е.М - 102 стр.


1) [C] a plan or series of plans for achieving an aim,
especially relating to the best way for an organization to
2) U] the process of skilful planning in general
stress n [U] continuous feelings of worry about your
work or personal life, that prevent you from relaxing
stressful adj
stressed also stressed out adj if someone is stressed
or stressed out, they are so worried and tired that they
cannot relax
strike v [I] to deliberately stop work for a while be-
cause of a disagreement about pay, working conditions
submit v [T] to give a plan or piece of writing to
someone in authority for them to consider or approve
subsidiary also subsidiary company n plural sub-
sidaries [C] a company that is at least half-owned by an-
other company
subsidize also -ise BrE v [T] if a government or or-
ganization subsidizes a company, activity etc, it pays part
of the cost – subsidized adj
subsidy n plural subsidies [C] money that is paid by
a government or organization to make something cheaper
to buy, use, or produce
surge v [I] to increase suddenly
sweetener « [C]
1) something used to make an offer, suggestion etc
more attractive
2) a bribe (=illegal or unfair payment made to some-
one to persuade them to do something)
synergy n [C,U] additional advantages or profits
that are produced by two people or organizations combin-
ing their ideas and resources
tactic n [C usually plural] a method that you use to
achieve something
tactical adj done in order to achieve what you want
at a later time, especially in a large plan
tailor v [T] to make something or put something to-
gether so that it is exactly right for someone's needs –
tailored adj
take v past tense took past participle taken
take over phr v [I,T]
1) to take control of something
2) to take control of a company by buying more than
half of its shares
takeover n [C] the act of getting control of a com-
pany by buying more than half of its shares
takeover target n [C] a company that may be
bought or that is being bought by another company
n [C]
1) an organization, industry, country etc that is de-
liberately chosen to have something done to it
2) a result such as a total, an amount, or a time
which you aim to achieve
v [T]
1) to make something have an effect on a particular
limited group or area
2) to choose someone or something as your target –
targeted Adj
tariff n [C usually plural] a tax on goods coming
into a country or going out of it
teaser n [C] an advertisement intended to get peo-
ple's attention for advertisments that will come later or
products that will be available later
teller n [C] especially AmE someone whose job is to
receive and pay out money in a bank
terminate v
1) [I,T] if something terminates, or if you terminate
it, it ends
2) [T] to remove someone from their job
thrive v [I] if a company, market, or place is thriv-
ing, it is very successful
top-of-the-range adj used to describe the most ex-
pensive products in a range of products or a market
track record n [C usually singular] all the things
that a person or organization has done in the past, which
shows how good they are
trade union also trades union n [C] BrE an organi-
zation representing people working in a particular indus-
try or profession, especially in meetings with their em-
ployers. Trade unions are called labor unions in American
English – trade unionist n [C]
transaction n [C]
1) a business deal, especially one involving the ex-
change of money
2) the act of paying or receiving money
transition n [C,U] formal the act or process of
changing from one state or form to another
trend n [C] the general way in which a particular
situation is changing or developing
trial n
1) [C] a legal process in which a court of law examines a
case to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime
2) [C usually plural] a process of testing a product to
see whether it is safe, effective etc trial v [T], trialling n
adj [only before a noun] having three parts or
v [I,T] to become three times as much or as
many, or to make something do this
turnaround also turnround BrE n [C usually sin-
1) the time between receiving an order for goods,
dealing with it, and sending the goods to the customer
2) a complete change from a bad situation to a good
3) a complete change in someone's opinion or ideas
turnover n [singular]
1) BrE the amount of business done in a particular
period, measured by the amount of money obtained from
customers for goods or services that have been sold
2) the rate at which workers leave
an organization and are replaced by
3) the rate at which goods are sold
underperform v [I,T] if a company or investment
underperforms, it is not as profitable as it should be