Английский язык. Лошко О.А. - 14 стр.



3. Это лекарство нужно хранить в сухом месте.
4. Я думаю, что вы достаточно умны, чтобы не делать замечаний по этому
поводу в его присутствии.
Ordinary loan
This type of the loan is extended to bank customers and for a particular purpose – to
buy a car, for example. A specific sum of money is borrowed for an agreed period of
time. A separate loan account is opened by the bank into which the installments are
paid, usually by means of a standing order from the customer’s current account.
Variable interest is charged and security may be required.
Personal loan
The loan is available to anyone, customer and non-customer alike, usually for a
particular purpose. The period of the loan and interest are fixed when the credit is
arranged. Again security may be asked for. It is usually a more expensive way of
borrowing than either the overdraft or ordinary loan
Budget account
A budget account is used to help spread the payment of bills over the year. The
customer calculates his annual outgoing on such items as gas, electricity and council
tax. The bank adds to this its service charge for operating the account. The total is
divided by 12 and a standing order for this amount is placed to the credit of the
budget the arrive account. The bills can then be paid with confidence as and when
they arrive.
Вариант 5
I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
II. Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению (общий, специальный,
альтернативный, разделительный, вопрос к подлежащему).
1. The overall financial structure of the company analyses the volume of the
ownership of the firm.
2. The Fed has increased the discount rate.
III. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Оптовая торговляважный элемент рыночной системы.
2. Непрямая система сбыта более предпочтительна.
3. Посредник получает проценты от продажи.
4. В этом магазине хороший ассортимент товаров.
IV. Замените активный залог на пассивный, переведите полученные
предложения на русский язык.
1. The general accounting office was conducting an audit of oil refining company in
this region.
3. Это лекарство нужно хранить в сухом месте.
4. Я думаю, что вы достаточно умны, чтобы не делать замечаний по этому
поводу в его присутствии.

                                   Ordinary loan
This type of the loan is extended to bank customers and for a particular purpose – to
buy a car, for example. A specific sum of money is borrowed for an agreed period of
time. A separate loan account is opened by the bank into which the installments are
paid, usually by means of a standing order from the customer’s current account.
Variable interest is charged and security may be required.
                                   Personal loan
The loan is available to anyone, customer and non-customer alike, usually for a
particular purpose. The period of the loan and interest are fixed when the credit is
arranged. Again security may be asked for. It is usually a more expensive way of
borrowing than either the overdraft or ordinary loan
                                   Budget account
A budget account is used to help spread the payment of bills over the year. The
customer calculates his annual outgoing on such items as gas, electricity and council
tax. The bank adds to this its service charge for operating the account. The total is
divided by 12 and a standing order for this amount is placed to the credit of the
budget the arrive account. The bills can then be paid with confidence as and when
they arrive.

       Вариант 5

I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

II. Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению (общий, специальный,
альтернативный, разделительный, вопрос к подлежащему).
1. The overall financial structure of the company analyses the volume of the
ownership of the firm.
2. The Fed has increased the discount rate.

III. Переведите на английский язык.

1.   Оптовая торговля – важный элемент рыночной системы.
2.   Непрямая система сбыта более предпочтительна.
3.   Посредник получает проценты от продажи.
4.   В этом магазине хороший ассортимент товаров.

IV. Замените активный залог на пассивный, переведите полученные
предложения на русский язык.
1. The general accounting office was conducting an audit of oil refining company in
this region.