interface with the animal and kingdoms. Challenging problems occur in areas such as land reclamation and ef-
ficient utilization, and improved methods of food production and harvesting.
Chemical Engineering encompasses the broad field of raw material and food processing and the operation
of associated facilities. It is mainly involved with the manufacture and properties of materials such as fuels,
plastics, rubber, explosives, paints, and cleaners. The chemical engineer is well grounded in both basic and en-
gineering chemistry and apart the production of special materials, may be involved in such areas as combustion,
recycling of waste products, and air and water pollution.
Civil Engineering is one of the oldest branches of the engineering profession. It covers a wide field, and
many subsidiary branches have grown from it. The civil engineer is mainly employed in the creation of struc-
tures such as buildings, bridges, dams, highways, harbors, and tunnels. He is usually knowledgeable in hydrau-
lics, structures, building materials, surveying, and soil mechanics. One important area comprises water supply,
drainage, and sewage disposal. More than any other branch of engineering, the results of the civil engineer’s
efforts are the most visible in a permanent form.
Electrical Engineering, in general, deals with creation, storage, transmission and utilization of electrical en-
ergy and information. Most of its activities may be identified with power or communications. Electrical engi-
neering is of recent origin, dating back only to the eighteenth century, when electrical phenomena were first
subjected to scientific scrutiny. After this, useful applications were quickly identified. Today, the impact of a
power failure graphically illustrates our dependence on electrical power. The field encompasses information
systems, computer technology, energy conversion, automatic control, instrumentation, and many other special-
Industrial Engineering is mainly concerned with the manufacture of useful commodities from raw materi-
als. Since most of the other engineering fields have a bearing on this activity, the industrial engineer requires a
particularly broad view. The management of men, materials, machines, and money are all within his endeavor
in achieving effective production. Plant layout, automation, work methods, and quality control are included,
and, more than in most of the other traditional branches of engineering, the industrial engineer needs to have
some grounding in psychology and dealing with personnel.
Mechanical Engineering develops machines for the generation and utilization of power. Mechanical engi-
neers design turbines, engines, pumps, and their ancillary mechanisms and structures. Heating, ventilating, air-
conditioning, transportation, manufacturing, and vibration are some areas falling within their domain. The art of
mechanical engineering dates back to the labor-saving devices and military machines of ancient times, but it
received its greatest boost in the eighteenth century with the invention of the steam engine and industrial ma-
chinery, which marked the onset of the industrial revolution.
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering. The production and use of metals, has two distinct branches. One
deals with the location, extraction, and treatment of ores to obtain base metals, and the other with the transfor-
mation of these metals into useful forms and with the study of techniques for improving their performance in
specific applications. The study of ceramics is often included in this field. Special topics range all the way from
materials that may be used with living tissue to the development of composites for high-temperature applica-
tions such as in the heat shields used for satellite reentry.
In addition to the fields identified above, other categories of engineering are often encountered. These in-
clude architectural, ceramic, geological naval and marine, nuclear, petroleum, sanitary, and textile engineering.
II. Translate the summary of the text into English.
Текст называется «Сфера инженерии». Автор утверждает, что научные открытия привели к образо-
ванию несколько областей применения инженерно-строительного искусства, а именно: сельскохозяйст-
венная, химическая, гражданская, электрическая, металлургическая и космическая. В статье рассматри-
ваются инженерные области. Горная и металлургическая инженерия базируется на улучшении техноло-
гий добычи руд и других полезных ископаемых. Механическая инженерия разрабатывает оборудование,
направленное на производство и использование энергии. Воздушно-космическая инженерия основана
на изучении спутников и ракет, применяемых для полетов выше уровня атмосферы Земли. Сельскохо-
зяйственная инженерия направлена на улучшение урожая и поднятия уровня животноводства. Химиче-
ская инженерия имеет огромное поле деятельности: от производства пищевых продуктов до производ-
ства топлива и красителей. Гражданская инженерия – это самая старая из инженерных отраслей. Она
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