Технический перевод в повседневной жизни. Макеева М.Н. - 41 стр.


It follows the accelerating force or the weight of a body is directly proportional to its mass. Since weight and
mass are proportional, and since the weight of each mass unit is known, the weight of any body of known mass
can be found, and vice versa.
The term mass, as used in mechanics refers to that property of matter which in everyday language is de-
scribed by the word inertia, a Latin word, meaning laziness.
We know from experience that an object at rest will never start to move of itself – push or pull must be ex-
erted on it by some other body. In more technical language, an external force is required to accelerate the body,
and we say the force is needed because the body has inertia. We may therefore say: inertia is that property of
matter because of which a force must be exerted on a body in order to accelerate it.
On the other hand, it is well known that any object once started will keep moving straight ahead and at the
same speed. It will not stop of itself and an opposing force should be applied if it is necessary to bring it to a
To assign a numerical value of inertia of any given body, we choose as a standard some one body whose
inertia is arbitrarily taken as unity, and state the inertia of all other bodies in terms of this standard. The inertia
of a body, when stated in this quantitative way, is called a mass. Mass is a quantitative measure of inertia.
The weight of a body is defined as the force of gravitational attraction exerted on the body by the earth.
This gravitational pull, however, is not merely one force exerted on the body as a whole. Each small element of
the body is attracted by the earth, and the force called the weight of the body is in reality the resultant of all
these small parallel forces.
The direction of the gravitational force on each element of a body is vertically down, so the direction of the
resultant is vertically down also, regardless of the orientation of the body. The line of action of the resultant
will, however, occupy a different position relative to the body as the orientation of the body is altered.
It is found that however a body may be oriented there is always a common point through which all of these
lines of action pass. This point is called the center of gravity of the body. The center of gravity of any two bod-
ies must lie on the line joining their centers of gravity.
II. Translate the summary of the text into English.
Текст называется «Вес и масса». В статье речь идет о физических понятиях. Масса тела отличается
от веса тела. Вес тела прямо пропорционален его массе. Если вес и масса тела пропорциональны и из-
вестен вес единицы массы, то легко можно найти вес тела. Земля притягивает различные предметы.
Солнце притягивает Землю и другие планеты солнечной системы. Любое тело будет двигаться с той же
скоростью, с которой оно начинает падение. Сила притяжения, действующая на тело, снижается незави-
симо от его положения. Центр притяжения телаэто точка, через которую проходит линии действия
тела. Тело не начнет движение, если на него не будет направлено воздействие. Для того, чтобы тело на-
чало двигаться, необходим толчок.
III. Compare the original and the translation. Which techniques have been used in the translation ?
Your weight is the force
that you exert on the Earth. It
is a result of gravity acting on
your body. On the moon, your
weight would be much less
than it is on Earth, because of
the weaker pull of the moon's
gravity. Weight differs from
mass: your mass is constant
Ваш весэто сила, кото-
рой вы воздействуете на Зем-
лю. Она является результатом
воздействия гравитации на
ваше тело. На Луне ваш вес
будет значительно меньше,
чем на Земле, из-за более сла-
бого притяжения Луны. Вес
отличается от массы: масса