Технический перевод в повседневной жизни. Макеева М.Н. - 69 стр.


Sound travels in waves, but it is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum like light waves and radio waves.
Sound is produced when matter vibrates. The frequency of these vibrations is measured in units called hertz
(Hz). The term frequency refers to the number т of waves produced per second It is variations in frequency that
produce different pitches (high and low sounds). The limits of human hearing are 20 000 Hz.
Звук передается волнами, но он не является частью электромагнитного спектра подобно световым
волнам или радиоволнам Звук производится в том случае, когда материя вибрирует. Частота таких виб-
раций измеряется в единицах, называемых герцами (Hz). Термином "частота" называют количество
производимых волн в секунду. Именно изменениями частоты достигаются разные тональности звуков
(высокие и низкие звуки). Человеческий слух различает звуки and 20.000 Hz. частотой в пределах от 20
Hz до 20 Hz.
IV. Rearrange the segments of the translation in the right order.
(a) in order to pass energy
on; (b) by causing the matter
to vibrate; (c) transverse
(crosswise) waves cause the
tiny particles; (d) to the direc-
tions of the wave; (e) some
waves transport energy
through matter; (f) longitudi-
nal (lengthwise) waves cause
the particles to "ripple"; (g)
electromagnetic waves; (h)
that make up matter to vibrate
at right angles; (i) such as X-
rays; (j) do not need to vibrate
matter; (k) there are two types
of such waves;
(l) in the same direction as the
Некоторые волны, при-
нуждая материю вибриро-
вать, проводят через нее
энергию. Существует два
вида таких волн. Попереч-
ные (пересекающие) волны
приводят составляющие ма-
терию мельчайшие частицы
к вибрации под прямым уг-
лом к направлению движе-
ния волн. Продольные вол-
ны приводят частицы к "зы-
би" в направлении движения
волн. Электромагнитные
волны, такие как Х-лучи,
проводят энергию сквозь
материю, не вызывая ее виб-
V. Edit the machine translation of the text.
Electric current is a flow of free electrons through a wire. Electric wire is made of copper and electrons
easily pass through it.
But if they come to a different metal whose conductivity is not so good as that of copper, they bump
against the atoms of the metal. The friction arising from the bumping makes the metal very hot.
This happens in electric stoves and irons where the wire is made of nichrome. The nichrome becomes very
hot when electricity flows through it. The metal covering protecting the nichrome from dirt becomes hot too
and cooks the food or warms the room.
In an electric bulb, a very fine filament of wire made of tungsten is used. As the current flows, the electrons
bump into the tungsten atoms, and become hot. The hotter they become, the quicker they move and bump, and
become hotter still, until the wire begins to glow. The glow is the result of the electrons bumping about and
causing little sparks, which we see as light. The electrons do not burn up or melt the wire, although it is very
thin, because there is no oxygen in the bulb, so things cannot burn in it.
Электрический сосуд (луковица)