Методические указания по работе с книгой У.С. Моэма "Луна и грош". Малетина Д.Ю. - 10 стр.



2. Read the following word combinations and suggest
how they can be translated into Russian:
To gather together the threads (139); something of buffoonery
(140); to have a knack for smth (141); to summon up courage (143); a
nude (145); Fire away (146); to be dumbfounded (148); a lamentable
business (149); to laugh at smb up in one's sleeve (151); social
intercourse (159); That is the lot (160); the clumsiness of smb's
technique (161).
3. Translate into Russian:
p. 147 "Stroeve tried to talk to me…"…….."…the discovery of
new mysteries."
p. 148 "I felt that his chance…" ……… "… before he died."
p. 157 "When a woman loves you…" ………. "… to leave me
p. 163 "Each of us is alone…" ……… "…is in the house."
4. Write out the words and expressions connected
with painting.
5. Comment on the following passages:
9 Stroeve's and Maugham's reflections about the world and fate
(141+163). What's your point of view on this problem?
9 Strickland expresses his attitude towards: a) women (156–157);
b) Blanche's suicide. How does it characterize him? Can you find
anything rational in his words?
9 "Is it possible for any man to disregard others entirely?" Give
your reasons.
6. Find sentences and paragraphs containing
metaphors (e.g. p. 140, 152, 155), irony (150), a hyperbole
(140) and comment upon them.
: chapters XLIII–XLVII, pp. 164–189
1. Mind the French names for some places in the
¾ Asile de Nuit = ночлежный дом
¾ Bouchee de Pain” = «Ломоть хлеба»
¾ Cuillere de Soupe” = «Ложка супа»
2. Find in the text English equivalents of the following
words and phrases. Reproduce the situations.
оставаться отстраненным (168)
первостепенный интерес (169)
отличаться оригинальностью (171)
снова пробудить интерес к… (173)
море темнокожих лиц (174)
женатый холостяк (178)
своеобразная внешность (180)
моряк, сидящий на мели (182)
преследовать, часто появляться где-л. (182)
портовый грузчик (183)
напрашиваться на скандал (187)
приступ белой горячки (188)
3. Translate into Russian:
p. 166 "He must have acquired…" …….. "… more single-hearted
than Strickland."
      2. Read the following word combinations and suggest                      6.     Find    sentences    and    paragraphs      containing
how they can be translated into Russian:                                  metaphors (e.g. p. 140, 152, 155), irony (150), a hyperbole
       To gather together the threads (139); something of buffoonery      (140) and comment upon them.
(140); to have a knack for smth (141); to summon up courage (143); a
nude (145); Fire away (146); to be dumbfounded (148); a lamentable
business (149); to laugh at smb up in one's sleeve (151); social            ASSIGNMENT 8: chapters XLIII–XLVII, pp. 164–189
intercourse (159); That is the lot (160); the clumsiness of smb's
                                                                               1. Mind the French names for some places in the
technique (161).                                                          story:
      3. Translate into Russian:                                               ¾ Asile de Nuit = ночлежный дом
      p. 147 "Stroeve tried to talk to me…"…….."…the discovery of              ¾ “Bouchee de Pain” = «Ломоть хлеба»
new mysteries."                                                                ¾ “Cuillere de Soupe” = «Ложка супа»
      p. 148 "I felt that his chance…" ……… "… before he died."                 2. Find in the text English equivalents of the following
      p. 157 "When a woman loves you…" ………. "… to leave me                words and phrases. Reproduce the situations.
alone."                                                                        ▪    оставаться отстраненным (168)
      p. 163 "Each of us is alone…" ……… "…is in the house."                    ▪    первостепенный интерес (169)
                                                                               ▪    отличаться оригинальностью (171)
      4. Write out the words and expressions connected
with painting.
                                                                               ▪    снова пробудить интерес к… (173)
                                                                               ▪    море темнокожих лиц (174)
      5. Comment on the following passages:                                    ▪    женатый холостяк (178)
      9 Stroeve's and Maugham's reflections about the world and fate           ▪    своеобразная внешность (180)
(141+163). What's your point of view on this problem?                          ▪    моряк, сидящий на мели (182)
      9 Strickland expresses his attitude towards: a) women (156–157);         ▪    преследовать, часто появляться где-л. (182)
b) Blanche's suicide. How does it characterize him? Can you find               ▪    портовый грузчик (183)
anything rational in his words?                                                ▪    напрашиваться на скандал (187)
      9 "Is it possible for any man to disregard others entirely?" Give        ▪    приступ белой горячки (188)
your reasons.
                                                                               3. Translate into Russian:
                                                                                p. 166 "He must have acquired…" …….. "… more single-hearted
                                                                          than Strickland."

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