Методические указания по работе с книгой У.С. Моэма "Луна и грош". Малетина Д.Ю. - 12 стр.



4. Give a character sketch of Tiare Johnson.
5. Make up dialogues (choose the situation you like):
a) Ata speaks to her relative about Strickland as her husband
(how she met him, the way he treats her, her notion of an ideal husband,
his everyday routine, etc.);
b) The old woman, who helped Ata give birth to her child, dis-
cusses Strickland's household and family with the village people;
c) Abraham discusses his decision to change his life with his girl-
friend (acquaintance, etc) – reasons, the impression of Alexandria, the
sense of life, etc.
6. Find sentences and paragraphs containing irony,
sarcasm, similes and comment upon them.
ASSIGNMENT 10: Chapters LIV–LVIII, pp. 213–238
1. Find in the text English equivalents of the following
words and phrases. Reproduce the situations.
причуда, выходка (213)
напряженно работать (215)
удрученный вид (218)
негодовать по поводу чьего-то вторжения (219)
необъяснимое молчание (220)
нелепые иллюзии (222)
отвратительный, тошнотворный (224)
напугать до смерти (227)
варварский поступок (231)
идти в ногу со временем (235)
внутренняя убежденность (237)
беспечный паренек (238)
2. Translate into Russian:
p. 214 "What on earth can it be….." …….. "… a profound
p. 224 "When Dr Coutras arrived…" ……… "… it was
p. 228–229 "For a long time I could not…" ………. "… you saw
3. Strickland's disease: explain why all the islanders were
horrified about it; speak about their reaction, the doctor's visits and the
end of Strickland's life. For more information about leprosy look up
Appendix 2.
4. Give your opinion on the following:
9 "Perhaps neither of us knew it, but we were both aiming at one
and the same thing – beauty." Comment on the ways Captain Brunot
and Strickland understood beauty and tried to create it (p. 214–216).
9 Captain Brunot claims to be a happy man. Compare his story
with that of Abraham (chapter L) and give your point of view on a
person's happiness.
9 Dr Coutras compares Strickland's works with Michael
Angelo's Sistine Chapel in Rome. Do you agree with such a parallel?
5. Give character sketches of:
Dr. Coutras
Mrs Strickland (compared with her image in the previous
Mrs Strickland's children.
      4. Give a character sketch of Tiare Johnson.                                 2. Translate into Russian:
                                                                                  p. 214 "What on earth can it be….." …….. "… a profound
      5. Make up dialogues (choose the situation you like):
       a) Ata speaks to her relative about Strickland as her husband
                                                                                  p. 224 "When Dr Coutras arrived…" ……… "… it was
(how she met him, the way he treats her, her notion of an ideal husband,
his everyday routine, etc.);
       b) The old woman, who helped Ata give birth to her child, dis-              p. 228–229 "For a long time I could not…" ………. "… you saw
cusses Strickland's household and family with the village people;            yourself."
       c) Abraham discusses his decision to change his life with his girl-         3. Strickland's disease: explain why all the islanders were
friend (acquaintance, etc) – reasons, the impression of Alexandria, the
                                                                             horrified about it; speak about their reaction, the doctor's visits and the
sense of life, etc.
                                                                             end of Strickland's life. For more information about leprosy look up
      6. Find sentences and paragraphs containing irony,                     Appendix 2.
sarcasm, similes and comment upon them.
                                                                                   4. Give your opinion on the following:
                                                                                   9 "Perhaps neither of us knew it, but we were both aiming at one
   ASSIGNMENT 10: Chapters LIV–LVIII, pp. 213–238                            and the same thing – beauty." Comment on the ways Captain Brunot
                                                                             and Strickland understood beauty and tried to create it (p. 214–216).
    1. Find in the text English equivalents of the following                       9 Captain Brunot claims to be a happy man. Compare his story
words and phrases. Reproduce the situations.
                                                                             with that of Abraham (chapter L) and give your point of view on a
      ▪   причуда, выходка (213)
                                                                             person's happiness.
      ▪   напряженно работать (215)
                                                                                   9 Dr Coutras compares Strickland's works with Michael
      ▪   удрученный вид (218)
                                                                             Angelo's Sistine Chapel in Rome. Do you agree with such a parallel?
      ▪   негодовать по поводу чьего-то вторжения (219)
      ▪   необъяснимое молчание (220)                                              5. Give character sketches of:
      ▪   нелепые иллюзии (222)                                                    Œ Dr. Coutras
      ▪   отвратительный, тошнотворный (224)                                       Œ Mrs Strickland (compared with her image in the previous
      ▪   напугать до смерти (227)                                           chapters)
      ▪   варварский поступок (231)                                                Œ Mrs Strickland's children.
      ▪   идти в ногу со временем (235)
      ▪   внутренняя убежденность (237)
      ▪   беспечный паренек (238)
                                   23                                                                            24