English for Masters in Economics. Маркушевская Л.П - 17 стр.


She seems to have been asked about it.
Кажется, ее (уже) спрашивали об этом.
Не appeared to have lost interest in the subject altogether.
Он, как оказалось, потерял всякий интерес к этому предмету.
3. глаголом to be+ прилагат ельное или нареч ие:
is /are
Не is unlikely to occupy this post.
Маловероятно, что он займет эту должность.
She is sure tond an answer to this question.
Она обязательно (безусловно) найдет ответ на этот вопрос.
Clearance sale is certain to attract those in need of money.
Дешевая распродажа, несомненно, привлечет нужда-
Объектный инфинитивный оборот является частью простого пред-
ложения. Эта конструкция занимает место дополнения и включает в
себя объект действия или деятеля (существительное в именительном
падеже или местоимение в объектном падеже) и инфинитив, который
указывает на действие совершаемое или испытываемое.
They believe the delegation to have arrived.
Они полагают, что делегация прибыла.
Task 1. Read the text and answer the following questions:
1) When were euro banknotes and coins put into circulation?
2) When was the planning and preparation of euro banknotes and coins
3) According to the text on 7 February 1992, the Treaty on European
Union was signed in Maastricht. What does the document describe?
4) What organization is responsible for euro coins?
Task 2. Join the parts of the sentences.
1) Euro banknotes and coins
2) The planning and preparation
of Euro banknotes and coins
3) The Treaty on European Union
was signed in Maastricht…
4) The Treaty on European Union
stipulates that the ECB has
the exclusive right…
5) The governments and central
banks of the 12 euro area
6) Responsibility for euro coins…
a) lies with the national
governments, coordinated
by the European
Commission in Brussels.
b) issue euro cash.
c) are the legal issuers of euro
d) were put into circulation in
e) to authorize the issuance of
banknotes within the euro area.
f) on 7 February 1992.
g) goes back to the early 1990s.
Use the following expressions:
graph … shows, during this period,
the maximum/minimum value, it indicates on the fact that…, to be
weakened in the rst half of the month, the movement up and down.
Euros to 1 USD (invert, data)
120 days
latest (Dec 24)
lowest (Nov 4)
highest (Jul 13)
Task 4. Can you explain these proverbs in other words?
The best things in life are free.
Time is money.
Save your pennies for a rainy day.
Money talks.
You can’t take it with you when you go.
Money doesn’t grow on trees.