English for Masters in Economics. Маркушевская Л.П - 46 стр.


Task 1. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the main idea of the Web 2.0 tools?
2. How do you understand the term «wikis»?
3. What are the three examples of using Web 2.0 for marketing
purposes by some companies listed in the text?
4. Howcancompaniesbenetfromvirtualcommunicationwiththeir
5. What can be the variants of incentives for the customers to share
their thoughts?
6. Whattipsforcreatingasiteforcommunicationdidyoundinthe
Task 2. Look once again at the list of multiword verbs. Fill in the gaps using
these verbs.
To talk up, to set up, to be on top of, to set off, to talk around
1. Yesterday one blogger _______ our products and today we have a
2. Marketing specialists have to _________ their customers’ needs.
3. I strongly suggest you ____________ a new Web service to satisfy
your clients.
4. The chief executive ____ already ________ for the headquarter.
5. Wemanagedto___________ourbosstointroducetheexible
working hours.
Task 3. Match the synonyms.
1. to talk up
2. to set up
3. to be on top of
4. to set off
5. to talk around
a. to inform
b. to praise
c. to depart
d. tobeup-to-date
e. to persuade
f. to share
g. to establish
Task 4. Continue the following phrases according to the text.
1. Make users participate is essential to…
2. An online community is
3. Companies may provide some incentives for their consumers like…
4. Company has to show that it is on top of problems because
5. To understand its market better a company can…
Practical tasks
in brackets.
1. Yesterday each candidate (to question) in turn by two separate
2. He insisted on seeing the job advertisement before it (to
3. My question about the balance sheet (not to answer) properly yet.
4. Last year her brother (to elect) president of the new concern.
5. Thelist(tosend)tobothrmsandnow(toprint).
6. When the goods (to pay) for heavy freight wagon halted in front of the
7. The letter said that for his thesis in Marketing Andrew (to award) his
Task 6. Translate the sentences into English using the Passive Voice.
1. Зазаказчикомпослалидвадцатьминутназад.Ондолженскоро
2. Данныйвопроснасовещаниисегодняобсуждатьсянебудет.
3. Этомуменеджерувсегдапоручаютважныезадания.
4. ВпрошломгодунаэтойулицепостроилиновоеотделениеСбере
5. Договорещенепереведеннанемецкийязык.
6. Почемунастатьюэтогозаконаникогданессылаются?
7. Былорассмотреномногоспособов,аобэтомдаженеподумали.
8. Вамзадавалинаинтервьювопросыобопытеработы?
9. Мнесказали,чтоуженичегонельзяизменить,таккакрешение
Task 7. Put the following into the Passive Voice.
1. WeshallnishtheworknotlaterthanonFriday.
2. Did they give you all the necessary documents?
3. Thenancialdirectorexplainedanewproblemtothesalespeople.
4. Ishowedthedocumenttotheofcer.
5. They installed a new automated teller machine at a shopping
6. The director dictated a business plan to the secretary.
7. They have been carrying out the work since August.
8. She announced to the managers that the sales terms were
9. Have you sent for the morning papers?
10. Where will they build the new bank branch?