Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование. Тарасова Л.А - 50 стр.


IV. Íàéäèòå ñëîâà, ïðîòèâîïîëîæíûå ïî ñìûñëó:
cold, rise, silence, towards, above, up, fall, hot, from, fire,
thin, earth, top, noise, water, below, sky, thick, bottom, down.
V. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëîâà:
burn, need, above, width, cloud, disturb, below, across, coat,
during, away, to be afraid, camera, noise, along, soon, door,
look, another, fountain, object, smoke, watch, distance, distur-
bance, main, tongue, gun, sky, equipment, picture, silence, moun-
tain, snow, stand, towards, weak.
VI. Ïåðåâåäèòå òåêñò ñ àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà íà ðóññêèé, ïå-
ðåñêàæèòå ïî-àíãëèéñêè:
Russian Polar explorers have established that there is a chain of
volcanoes at the bottom of the deep-water area of the Arctic Ocean.
This was learned from studies of undersea rocks.
This chain begins in the Atlantic Ocean, crosses Iceland and
can be traced far to the north, along the centre line of the Atlantic
— Arctic deep-water area of the Arctic Ocean.
The chain of undersea volcanoes separates the Norwegian Sea
from the Sea of Greenland, just as the central underwater Atlantic
chain cuts the ocean to the south of Iceland in two.
The presence of the Arctic chain of volcanoes was forcast on
the basis of geological data.
In the opinion of scientists, the volcanoes are now sleeping in
the Arctic, but they may become active at any time.
The volcano chain of the Arctic Ocean has been set down for the
first time almost completely on the charts prepared at the institute.
VII. Ïåðåâåäèòå òåêñò:
A Russian-American study of the biological resources of the
oceans has just ended.
For six weeks a United States satellite took photographs which
were studied on Russian vessels and compared with sea-level obser-
vations off the coast of West Africa.
This was an experiment to find a way of using ships and satel-
lites to study remoter parts of the oceans, not just coastal zones.
      IV. Íàéäèòå ñëîâà, ïðîòèâîïîëîæíûå ïî ñìûñëó:
      cold, rise, silence, towards, above, up, fall, hot, from, fire,
thin, earth, top, noise, water, below, sky, thick, bottom, down.

      V. Ïåðåâåäèòå ñëîâà:
      burn, need, above, width, cloud, disturb, below, across, coat,
during, away, to be afraid, camera, noise, along, soon, door,
look, another, fountain, object, smoke, watch, distance, distur-
bance, main, tongue, gun, sky, equi pment, picture, silence, moun-
tain, snow, stand, towards, weak.

     VI. Ïåðåâåäèòå òåêñò ñ àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà íà ðóññêèé, ïå-
ðåñêàæèòå ïî-àíãëèéñêè:
                        ARCTIC VOLCANOES
       Russian Polar explorers have established that there is a chain of
volcanoes at the bottom of the deep-water area of the Arctic Ocean.
This was learned from studies of undersea rocks.
       This chain begins in the Atlantic Ocean, crosses Iceland and
can be traced far to the north, along the centre line of the Atlantic
— Arctic deep-water area of the Arctic Ocean.
       The chain of undersea volcanoes separates the Norwegian Sea
from the Sea of Greenland, just as the central underwater Atlantic
chain cuts the ocean to the south of Iceland in two.
       The presence of the Arctic chain of volcanoes was forcast on
the basis of geological data.
       In the opinion of scientists, the volcanoes are now sleeping in
the Arctic, but they may become active at any time.
       The volcano chain of the Arctic Ocean has been set down for the
first time almost completely on the charts prepared at the institute.

     VII. Ïåðåâåäèòå òåêñò:
       A Russian-American study of the biological resources of the
oceans has just ended.
       For six weeks a United States satellite took photographs which
were studied on Russian vessels and compared with sea-level obser-
vations off the coast of West Africa.
       This was an experiment to find a way of using shi ps and satel-
lites to study remoter parts of the oceans, not just coastal zones.