Грамматические трудности перевода общественно-политического текста с английского языка на русский. Домбровская И.В - 10 стр.


3. The EU Commission appeared likely to emerge weakened from its battle with the
Parliament over charges of mismanagement of EUs 85 billion euro budget.
4. The most laudable aim of the Maastricht treaty was to knock the machinery into
shape to cope with the club's expected new members from Eastern Europe. Yet on
most counts the treaty seems likely to prove disappointing.
5. The meeting, which lasted just over half an hour, is understood to have taken place
at the Prime Ministers request.
6. The experts were felt to have little hope of reducing the differences even if an
attempt were made to bring the two parties together.
7. The warnings are now shown to have been fully justified: thousands of workers
will get the sack.
8. About 1 million farmers flooded the capital to hear the Prime Minister caution
them against pressing for more government aid at the expense of the rest of the
9. Time and again the Prime Minister has assured them that the Government doesnt
want to hinder the making of profits. He has done his damnedest to get the trade
unions to agree to wage restraint, which would put still more profits into the pockets
of the employers.
10. The United States and Britain on Friday set a month-long deadline for Libya to
surrender two suspects wanted for the 1988 Lockerbie bombing.
I. Герундий в различных функциях
1. Герундий в функции обстоятельства всегда употребляется в
сочетании с предлогом. Он может выступать в функции следующих
обстоятельств :
1) времени , после предлогов on (upon), after, before, in. После
предлогов before и in герундий переводится обычно на русский язык
придаточным предложением ; после on (upon) и after деепричастием
прошедшего времени.
In trying to devise ways to improve the machinery of the United Nations the
Foreign Secretary displayed real ingenuity. Когда министр иностранных дел
пытался придумать новые способы улучшения аппарата ООН, он проявил
подлинную изобретательность. (Пытаясь придумать...)
After making this statement the minister said he was not going to reconsider his
decision. Сделав это заявление, министр сказал, что он не собирается
пересматривать свое решение.

3. The EU Commission appeared likely to emerge weakened from its battle with the
Parliament over charges of mismanagement of EU’s 85 billion euro budget.
4. The most laudable aim of the Maastricht treaty was to knock the machinery into
shape to cope with the club's expected new members from Eastern Europe. Yet on
most counts the treaty seems likely to prove disappointing.
5. The meeting, which lasted just over half an hour, is understood to have taken place
at the Prime Minister’s request.
6. The experts were felt to have little hope of reducing the differences even if an
attempt were made to bring the two parties together.
7. The warnings are now shown to have been fully justified: thousands of workers
will get the sack.
8. About 1 million farmers flooded the capital to hear the Prime Minister caution
them against pressing for more government aid at the expense of the rest of the
9. Time and again the Prime Minister has assured them that the Government doesn’t
want to hinder the making of profits. He has done his damnedest to get the trade
unions to agree to wage restraint, which would put still more profits into the pockets
of the employers.
10. The United States and Britain on Friday set a month-long deadline for Libya to
surrender two suspects wanted for the 1988 Lockerbie bombing.

                                  §2. ГЕРУНДИЙ

                       I. Герундий в различных функциях

      1. Герундий в функции обстоятельства всегда употребляется в
сочетании с предлогом. Он может выступать в функции следующих
      1) времени, после предлогов on (upon), after, before, in. После
предлогов before и in герундий переводится обычно на русский язык
придаточным предложением; после on (upon) и after — деепричастием
прошедшего времени.

       In trying to devise ways to improve the machinery of the United Nations the
Foreign Secretary displayed real ingenuity. Когда министр иностранных дел
пытался придумать новые способы улучшения аппарата ООН, он проявил
подлинную изобретательность. (Пытаясь придумать...)

       After making this statement the minister said he was not going to reconsider his
decision. Сделав это заявление, министр сказал, что он не собирается
пересматривать свое решение.