Грамматические трудности перевода общественно-политического текста с английского языка на русский. Домбровская И.В - 14 стр.


Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.
1. Before embarking on projects like DMU (a defence and military union), the
European Unions big job is to bring in new members from the East. That will mean,
among other things, more majority voting in the council.
2. The Belgian Prime Minister offered his resignation to the King in Brussels
yesterday after failing to reconcile a cabinet split over tough new economic measures.
3. On arriving at London Airport from the UN Security Council meeting, the Foreign
Secretary said that he thought a practical and effective resolution would emerge as a
result of his talks with African Commonwealth delegates.
4. Meanwhile the people and their representatives did what they were told without
even the privilege of being informed of the decisions taken by their leaders.
5. Instead of being changed the traditional strategy was merely reasserted and put
into operation at the end of the war under the famous and accurate phrase about
negotiation from strength.
6. Europes spirit, Cardinal Martini fears, is in danger of being undermined by
affluence and egoistical materialism.
7. The new leaders in Washington appear to be bent not on rectifying but on
multiplying the errors of the previous administration, facilitating not a lessening of
international tension but its growth.
8. In keeping with his anti-statist philosophy, Mr Murdoch hands very little of his
profits to government.
9. Far from helping the low-paid the Prime Minister has hit them hardest of all.
10. By and large, Mr Blair seems not merely to accept his economic inheritance, but
to welcome it. Indeed, far from wanting to turn back the clock, Mr Blair says that he
wants to speed it up. Modernization is his motto.
11. How splendid if European commission appointments depended on merit and not
on nationality. But spoils-sharing is so far the iron law of international organisations.
II. Герундиальный комплекс
Сочетание герундия с существительным в притяжательном или общем
падеже, притяжательным местоимением , личным местоимением в косвенном
падеже или группой слов, которые являются субъектом действия , выраженного
герундием , составляет единое целое и может выступать в качестве члена
предложения в тех же функциях , что и герундий . Герундиальный комплекс
переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением , вводимым словами
то, что...; тот факт, что...; (с тем ) чтобы ...; после того как..., что... и др.
We look forward to much attention being given to this question. Мы
рассчитываем на то, что этому вопросу будет уделено большое внимание.

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.
1. Before embarking on projects like DMU (a defence and military union), the
European Union’s big job is to bring in new members from the East. That will mean,
among other things, more majority voting in the council.
2. The Belgian Prime Minister offered his resignation to the King in Brussels
yesterday after failing to reconcile a cabinet split over tough new economic measures.
3. On arriving at London Airport from the UN Security Council meeting, the Foreign
Secretary said that he thought a practical and effective resolution would emerge as a
result of his talks with African Commonwealth delegates.
4. Meanwhile the people and their representatives did what they were told without
even the privilege of being informed of the decisions taken by their leaders.
5. Instead of being changed the traditional strategy was merely reasserted and put
into operation at the end of the war under the famous and accurate phrase about
“negotiation from strength”.
6. Europe’s spirit, Cardinal Martini fears, is in danger of being undermined by
affluence and egoistical materialism.
7. The new leaders in Washington “appear to be bent not on rectifying but on
multiplying the errors of the previous administration, facilitating not a lessening of
international tension but its growth”.
8. In keeping with his anti-statist philosophy, Mr Murdoch hands very little of his
profits to government.
9. Far from helping the low-paid the Prime Minister has hit them hardest of all.
10. By and large, Mr Blair seems not merely to accept his economic inheritance, but
to welcome it. Indeed, far from wanting to turn back the clock, Mr Blair says that he
wants to speed it up. “Modernization” is his motto.
11. How splendid if European commission appointments depended on merit and not
on nationality. But spoils-sharing is so far the iron law of international organisations.

                           II. Герундиальный комплекс

      Сочетание герундия с существительным в притяжательном или общем
падеже, притяжательным местоимением, личным местоимением в косвенном
падеже или группой слов, которые являются субъектом действия, выраженного
герундием, составляет единое целое и может выступать в качестве члена
предложения в тех же функциях, что и герундий. Герундиальный комплекс
переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением, вводимым словами
то, что...; тот факт, что...; (с тем) чтобы...; после того как..., что... и др.

      We look forward to much attention being given to this question. Мы
рассчитываем на то, что этому вопросу будет уделено большое внимание.