Грамматические трудности перевода общественно-политического текста с английского языка на русский. Домбровская И.В - 38 стр.


ведущие государства этого региона решительно выступят против ( любой)
попытки навязать более тесный идеологический союз с Вашингтоном.
П р и м е ч а н и е. В некоторых случаях употребление или отсутствие неопределённого
артикля изменяет значение слова, так например, a power держава , power власть,
могущество , электроэнергия ; a government правительство , government управление; a few, a
little некоторое количество (положительное значение); few, little мало ( иногда просто
Не has a few objections, but they are unimportant. У него есть несколько возражений , но они
Не has few ideas on that matter. По этому поводу идей у него мало ( нет).
They said they have little faith in the premier's promises. Они сказали, что мало верят
обещаниям премьера.
Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.
1. The report does not include a section on rights observance in the United States
2. The poll echoes a warning from the Trade and Industry Secretary, that Britain may
be vulnerable to charges by fellow EU countries that it is turning its back on
Monetary Union and therefore Europe.
3. Which candidate are you against? All the candidates have given me a reason
to vote against them.
4. The new doctrine, approved by President Clinton last month, marks an important
step forward a world in which the United States relies on fewer nuclear weapons for
its defence.
5. A president who spends most of his working hours figuring out how to buy votes
with public money is not likely to be very critical of a multilateral agency (the IMF)
that does pretty much the same thing.
6. UN officials report that seven Arab oil-producing countries in the Gulf are about to
announce a $250-million annual fund for UN aid agencies.
7. The disclosure that a Pulitzer Prize-winning account had been fabricated has
focused attention on the steps a newspaper or a broadcast station takes to verify a
story when a reporter says the main participants cannot be identified.
8. Few other international problems have such a complex structure or such wide
9. That in turn has left him with little immediate choice but to become more
repressive still: to re-establish his authority by force of loyal soldiery.
10. After the sense of drift during John Majors years in power, it is a refreshing
change for Britain to have a government which inspires wide-spread public
11. The government has begun a program in which people aged 18 to 24 who have
been unemployed for at least six months face losing their dole money unless they get
a job or enter a training program.

ведущие государства этого региона решительно выступят против (любой)
попытки навязать более тесный идеологический союз с Вашингтоном.

П р и м е ч а н и е. В некоторых случаях употребление или отсутствие неопределённого
артикля изменяет значение слова, так например, a power держава, power власть,
могущество, электроэнергия; a government правительство, government управление; a few, a
little некоторое количество (положительное значение); few, little мало (иногда просто

Не has a few objections, but they are unimportant. У него есть несколько возражений, но они
Не has few ideas on that matter. По этому поводу идей у него мало (нет).
They said they have little faith in the premier's promises. Они сказали, что мало верят
обещаниям премьера.

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.
1. The report does not include a section on rights observance in the United States
2. The poll echoes a warning from the Trade and Industry Secretary, that Britain may
be vulnerable to charges by fellow EU countries that it is turning its back on
Monetary Union and therefore Europe.
3. “Which candidate are you against?” “All the candidates have given me a reason
to vote against them.”
4. The new doctrine, approved by President Clinton last month, marks an important
step forward a world in which the United States relies on fewer nuclear weapons for
its defence.
5. A president who spends most of his working hours figuring out how to buy votes
with public money is not likely to be very critical of a multilateral agency (the IMF)
that does pretty much the same thing.
6. UN officials report that seven Arab oil-producing countries in the Gulf are about to
announce a $250-million annual fund for UN aid agencies.
7. The disclosure that a Pulitzer Prize-winning account had been fabricated has
focused attention on the steps a newspaper or a broadcast station takes to verify a
story when a reporter says the main participants cannot be identified.
8. Few other international problems have such a complex structure or such wide
9. That in turn has left him with little immediate choice but to become more
repressive still: to re-establish his authority by force of loyal soldiery.
10. After the sense of drift during John Major’s years in power, it is a refreshing
change for Britain to have a government which inspires wide-spread public
11. The government has begun a program in which people aged 18 to 24 who have
been unemployed for at least six months face losing their dole money unless they get
a job or enter a training program.