Лексические трудности перевода общественно-политического текста с английского языка на русский. Домбровская И.В - 14 стр.


6. A high-ranking Transport Ministry official recently stated that while Japan is
sympathetic to the plight of European shipbuilders, it is unlikely that the Japanese
shipbuilding industry will be able to make further concessions on the matter.
7. Some Americans fear an arms race in space, while others see the military use of the
shuttle as a natural consequence of the superiority of U.S. space technology although
such superiority may prove temporary.
8. When is an economic slump not a slump? The answer: When the economy in ques-
tion is Japans. For what Japanese economic and business leaders are all too ready to
define as a slump or slowdown would be considered a rosy picture in virtually
any other industrial country of the West.
9. It is considered that Atlantic relations for all their seeming normalcy face a pro-
found crisis.
10. As other western democracies have condemned and abandoned the death penalty,
America has defended it with increasing vigour.
11. The Commerce Department is mulling sanctions on offending foreigners, and the
vice-president wants to sound concerned. Much as he wishes to be the apostle of or-
thodox economics and free trade, he cannot afford to seem insensitive to the losers in
this system.
12. The latest operation is not quite like those others. First, it is NATOs first unam-
biguous attack on a sovereign state that stands accused of being vile not to its neigh-
bours but only to its own people. Such behaviour, offensive as it is, has long been
considered the prerogative of properly constituted governments.
13. In recent weeks, several heads of government have begun to muse, after the years
of belt-tightening needed to qualify for euro, about reducing their high unemploy-
ment by increased public spending. Yet, though it would be as wrong to pursue too
restrictive a fiscal policy as too tight a monetary policy, should economies slow
sharply, more public spending is the last thing Europe needs.
14. We cannot but recall in this connection the statement made by Mr Eden in the
League of Nations Assembly in 1936.
15. Once it could be presumed that all American consumers wanted basically the
same thing, American producers suddenly had a large stake in knowing what that
Препозитивные атрибутивные словосочетания, образованные при по-
мощи соположения ряда существительных , очень распространены в англий -
ском языке. Они представляют трудность для перевода из- за многообразия се -
мантических связей между членами словосочетания, а в ряде случаев из - за мно -
гозначности словосочетания, а также из - за различия структур английского и
русского языков.
Для правильного перевода словосочетания необходимо проанализиро -
вать внутренние смысловые связи между его членами.
6. A high-ranking Transport Ministry official recently stated that while Japan is
sympathetic to the plight of European shipbuilders, it is unlikely that the Japanese
shipbuilding industry will be able to make further concessions on the matter.
7. Some Americans fear an arms race in space, while others see the military use of the
shuttle as a natural consequence of the superiority of U.S. space technology although
such superiority may prove temporary.
8. When is an economic slump not a slump? The answer: When the economy in ques-
tion is Japan’s. For what Japanese economic and business leaders are all too ready to
define as a “slump” or “slowdown” would be considered a rosy picture in virtually
any other industrial country of the West.
9. It is considered that Atlantic relations for all their seeming normalcy face a pro-
found crisis.
10. As other western democracies have condemned and abandoned the death penalty,
America has defended it with increasing vigour.
11. The Commerce Department is mulling sanctions on offending foreigners, and the
vice-president wants to sound concerned. Much as he wishes to be the apostle of or-
thodox economics and free trade, he cannot afford to seem insensitive to the losers in
this system.
12. The latest operation is not quite like those others. First, it is NATO’s first unam-
biguous attack on a sovereign state that stands accused of being vile not to its neigh-
bours but only to its own people. Such behaviour, offensive as it is, has long been
considered the prerogative of properly constituted governments.
13. In recent weeks, several heads of government have begun to muse, after the years
of belt-tightening needed to qualify for euro, about reducing their high unemploy-
ment by increased public spending. Yet, though it would be as wrong to pursue too
restrictive a fiscal policy as too tight a monetary policy, should economies slow
sharply, more public spending is the last thing Europe needs.
14. We cannot but recall in this connection the statement made by Mr Eden in the
League of Nations Assembly in 1936.
15. Once it could be presumed that all American consumers wanted basically the
same thing, American producers suddenly had a large stake in knowing what that


       Препозитивные атрибутивные словосочетания, образованные при по-
мощи соположения ряда существительных, очень распространены в англий-
ском языке. Они представляют трудность для перевода из-за многообразия се-
мантических связей между членами словосочетания, а в ряде случаев из-за мно-
гозначности словосочетания, а также из-за различия структур английского и
русского языков.
       Для правильного перевода словосочетания необходимо проанализиро-
вать внутренние смысловые связи между его членами.