промышленность (ряда стран); policies политика, политический курс (ряда
стран или в разных областях ), например: foreign and domestic policies of the new
government — внешняя и внутренняя политика нового правительства.
nuclear weapons ядерное оружие
democracies демократические государства
Некоторые существительные в английском языке во множественном
числе приобретают новые значения. Например :
difference разница , различие
differences 1) различия; 2) разногласия
development 1) развитие; 2) участок, подлежащий
освоению; 3) микрорайон; 4) тенденция.
developments события.
Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения .
1. As they participate in the fight for dramatic reforms large sections of the popula-
tion come to realize the necessity of unity of action and to become more active, po-
2. The victory of the popular revolution in Cuba has become a splendid example for
the peoples of Latin America.
3. We must fortify the international system by helping transitional or otherwise trou-
bled states become full participants. This is essential to maintain the momentum of
democracy’s recent advances.
4. A country whose people are willing to march out into the world, and if necessary
to die there, is a likelier candidate for great-power rank than one whose people do not
feel that way; and the difference matters even more between two democracies than it
does between two dictatorships, because in a democracy people’s wishes count for
5. The meeting expressed the hope that the remaining points of differences would be
settled when the conference is resumed in Geneva.
6. Disarmament will release for civilian employment millions of people now serving
in the armed forces and war industries.
7. Such development would emphasize the region’s economic importance and growth
potential which would be reflected in its population growth, housing and overspill
8. Already very many sections of the Labour, trade union and cooperative movements
support policies on these lines. Their members number millions.
9. Nothing would do more to protect American security in the decades ahead than en-
suring that Russia’s immense stockpile of nuclear weapons and materials is dimin-
ished and adequately controlled.
10. The State Secretary was reported to be dispirited by the outcome of the day’s de-
velopments and waiting to see what would be done to shore up his authority.
22 промышленность (ряда стран); policies политика, политический курс (ряда стран или в разных областях), например: foreign and domestic policies of the new government — внешняя и внутренняя политика нового правительства. nuclear weapons ядерное оружие democracies демократические государства Некоторые существительные в английском языке во множественном числе приобретают новые значения. Например: difference разница, различие differences 1) различия; 2) разногласия development 1) развитие; 2) участок, подлежащий освоению; 3) микрорайон; 4) тенденция. developments события. Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения. 1. As they participate in the fight for dramatic reforms large sections of the popula- tion come to realize the necessity of unity of action and to become more active, po- litically. 2. The victory of the popular revolution in Cuba has become a splendid example for the peoples of Latin America. 3. We must fortify the international system by helping transitional or otherwise trou- bled states become full participants. This is essential to maintain the momentum of democracy’s recent advances. 4. A country whose people are willing to march out into the world, and if necessary to die there, is a likelier candidate for great-power rank than one whose people do not feel that way; and the difference matters even more between two democracies than it does between two dictatorships, because in a democracy people’s wishes count for more. 5. The meeting expressed the hope that the remaining points of differences would be settled when the conference is resumed in Geneva. 6. Disarmament will release for civilian employment millions of people now serving in the armed forces and war industries. 7. Such development would emphasize the region’s economic importance and growth potential which would be reflected in its population growth, housing and overspill problems. 8. Already very many sections of the Labour, trade union and cooperative movements support policies on these lines. Their members number millions. 9. Nothing would do more to protect American security in the decades ahead than en- suring that Russia’s immense stockpile of nuclear weapons and materials is dimin- ished and adequately controlled. 10. The State Secretary was reported to be dispirited by the outcome of the day’s de- velopments and waiting to see what would be done to shore up his authority.
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