the constituent parts of the UN family were
represented (3)
It (4) involved policy makers, legislators, practi-
tioners, and advocates, and most notably children
who were able to demonstrate their understanding,
competence and positive ideas for addressing the
issue (5). It (6) focused world attention on child
abuse. It acknowledged it as an almost universal
phenomenon (7). It (8) commented upon the scale
of abuse
A Declaration and Agenda for Action were
unanimously agreed (1). The Declaration affirmed
the commitment to global partnership against child
abuse (2) which was recognized as an absolute and
fundamental violation (3) of the rights of the
child. It (4) restated that all the signatories to the
Convention were required to protect children
from abuse and promote physical and psychologi-
cal recovery of those already victimized. It (4) af-
firmed the need for strong laws (5), and the need
for resources and political commitment to enforce
(6) them. It (7) confirmed the need to build and
promote (8) partnership between all levels of soci-
ety to counter (8) this form of violence. It (9)
called for the highest priority to be given to ac-
tion against child abuse, to develop and imple-
ment comprehensive planning and programs that
address the issue through a diverse but comple-
mentary range of strategies
The removal of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia (1)
has opened new opportunities for peace (2) in the
Balkan region, but also created a fluid situation (3)
where treacherous problems abound (4)
For some time, Western strategic thinking on the
area (1) has involved the notion that if Mr. Milo-
cevic could be ousted, (2) other problems would
fall away. But for a variety of reasons including the
depth of anti-Serbian feeling engendered by nine
years of war and the record of Mr. Milocevic's
1) монорема; 2) дирема
порядок слов); 3) перестановка
семантических компонентов; 4)
формальное подлежащее; 5)
добавление отглагольного с
у -
ществительного ; 6) номинал
зация гла
гола; 7) формальное
жащее; 8) номинализация
глагола; 9) формальное подл
1) дирема; 2) детализация; 3) с
четаемость; 4) объединение в
1) действие- деятель; 2) объед
нение высказываний ;3) сред -
ство - рецепт
24 the constituent parts of the UN family were represented (3) It (4) involved policy makers, legislators, practi- tioners, and advocates, and most notably children who were able to demonstrate their understanding, competence and positive ideas for addressing the issue (5). It (6) focused world attention on child abuse. It acknowledged it as an almost universal phenomenon (7). It (8) commented upon the scale of abuse A Declaration and Agenda for Action were 1) монорема; 2) дирема (прямой unanimously agreed (1). The Declaration affirmed порядок слов); 3) перестановка the commitment to global partnership against child семантических компонентов; 4) abuse (2) which was recognized as an absolute and формальное подлежащее; 5) добавление отглагольного су- fundamental violation (3) of the rights of the ществительного; 6) номинали- child. It (4) restated that all the signatories to the зация глагола; 7) формальное Convention were required to protect children подлежащее; 8) номинализация from abuse and promote physical and psychologi- глагола; 9) формальное подле- cal recovery of those already victimized. It (4) af- жащее firmed the need for strong laws (5), and the need for resources and political commitment to enforce (6) them. It (7) confirmed the need to build and promote (8) partnership between all levels of soci- ety to counter (8) this form of violence. It (9) called for the highest priority to be given to ac- tion against child abuse, to develop and imple- ment comprehensive planning and programs that address the issue through a diverse but comple- mentary range of strategies BALKANS AFTER MILOSEVIC: STILL PERILOUS WATERS The removal of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia (1) 1) дирема; 2) детализация; 3) со- has opened new opportunities for peace (2) in the четаемость; 4) объединение вы- Balkan region, but also created a fluid situation (3) сказываний where treacherous problems abound (4) For some time, Western strategic thinking on the 1) действие-деятель; 2) объеди- area (1) has involved the notion that if Mr. Milo- нение высказываний;3) сред- cevic could be ousted, (2) other problems would ство-рецепт fall away. But for a variety of reasons including the depth of anti-Serbian feeling engendered by nine years of war and the record of Mr. Milocevic's
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